Press release: LDH Besançon – Radio BIP 96.9FM

Press release: LDH Besançon – Radio BIP 96.9FM
Press release: LDH Besançon – Radio BIP 96.9FM

Let’s reject the possibility of an absolute majority of the extreme right in the National Assembly!

This Monday morning, we all have before our eyes the possibility of an absolute majority of the extreme right in the National Assembly next Sunday. This catastrophe for our republican State comes from very far away and is not accidental. It is the result of a heavy and deep trend that is affecting our society and that the last presidencies have not been able to stem, or even for the current presidency which has aggravated it. We only have one chance, small and fragile, to avoid it: a general republican withdrawal to avoid any three-way race. Indeed, what is happening in this election goes beyond the political divisions of the right and the left.

What is at stake is the possibility of living together in our country with the same rights. We must be able to differentiate between our political adversaries and the enemies of the
Republic. A member of parliament who we don’t like, whose ideas we reject and who we consider responsible for the rise of the extreme right, is always one less RN member of parliament. It’s a question of priority. If we really consider that the first emergency is to beat the RN, we must adopt clear principles and give ourselves the means to do so. Giving ourselves the means means having a single candidate facing it so that there is no loss of votes.

The projections we have indicate that any three-way race serves the RN and can allow it to have an absolute majority of deputies in the National Assembly on July 7. Can we take this responsibility? We do not believe so. The RN contests equality between citizens, between dual nationals and others, between human beings. It calls into question the Constitutional Council, the rule of law, women’s rights and freedom of information. It also supports Russian President Putin.

Because this is indeed our compass at the LDH: equality in law for all human beings proclaimed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 following the European catastrophe of the Second World War and in particular the Holocaust. So not one more seat for the RN in order to give us the means to ward off hatred and finally build the just, egalitarian, fraternal and respectful society of life to which many of us aspire.

Barbara Romagnan
For the LDH section of Besançon – July 1, 2024

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