Johan Gastien, the child of the Niort region

Johan Gastien, the child of the Niort region
Johan Gastien, the child of the Niort region

At a time when the club’s situation has never been so precarious, Johan Gastien remains one of the flagships of the success of the Niort training center. There are few in his case, in fact, to have climbed all the levels from football school to their first professional contract.

If Damien Bridonneau remains the most striking example, we can also cite Simon Pontdemé, Mamadou Camara and of course Johan Gastien. He left his training club in 2013 to join Dijon FCO, then Brest before joining his father at Clermont Foot 63 where, at the age of 36, he has just extended for two more years. “ I had already been contacted by Corinne Diacre while I was playing in Brest, where things did not necessarily go well with the coach. As after his departure the recruiters were still interested, I accepted because the project interested me. This was a new challenge that has lasted for six years now. There were highs, very highs, but also lows like last year”evokes the one who recently returned to Deux-Sèvres for the 100th anniversary of CS Beauvoir.

The Chamois, a “real sadness”

A very beautiful experience lived and which was littered with memories. “It’s certain that the rise from Ligue 2 to Ligue 1, and doing it with my father, remains my best memory. Nobody expected us to rise one day, especially with the means we had. It was unimaginable and incredible.”says the tireless midfielder.

So why not extend the pleasure, even though at the same time Pascal, his father, is ending his coaching career? I’m happy because it shows that the club has confidence in me, and it’s not whether my father is there or not. When you’re 36 and you can go up to 38 minimum, it’s great. As for my father’s retirement, I admit that I’m happy. Because honestly, he was very tired. It’s been a very trying year for everyone and for him in particular. It will do him good to finally be able to rest.”mentions the man who has 106 Ligue 1 matches and more than 250 in Ligue 2 on his CV.

A welcome rest for Pascal Gastien, when we know the long career as a player and coach that he has had. Notably at Chamois Niortais, where he will have left an indelible mark in both roles. So inevitably, Johan does not remain indifferent to the current situation of his former home. “I had Quentin (Bernard) when I arrived in Niort, we talk about him every day and for me it’s a real heartbreak. It’s certainly nice to see all these former Chamois players again, it puts a little balm on the heart. But it hurts to see the club get to this point, especially since they had a good season. We could have seen a few more positive days, but now, it’s a real sadness. But at some point, you only get what you deserve. When you see the management that was done, that the club never made any progress on the infrastructure, it can unfortunately only end like this “, he analyzes.

In Auvergne and in Ligue 2, Johan Gastien has some very good days ahead of him.



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