Yes to the DPG (By Amadou BA, Former Prime Minister of Senegal)

Yes to the DPG (By Amadou BA, Former Prime Minister of Senegal)
Yes to the DPG (By Amadou BA, Former Prime Minister of Senegal)

Democracy is based on solid institutions and republican practices scrupulously respected by all. The Prime Minister’s General Policy Declaration (DPG), far from being a simple communication exercise, constitutes a decisive moment where the government commits, before the people, through its elected representatives, to following a precise course according to the guidelines of the President of the Republic.

Article 55 of our Constitution requires the Prime Minister to present his DPG to the National Assembly. It is imperative to perpetuate this republican tradition, a guarantee of transparency and government responsibility.

The DPG must therefore be presented in the appropriate institutional framework, in accordance with our Constitution and our republican traditions. Making the DPG within the National Assembly, before elected parliamentarians, is not only a constitutional obligation, it is a sacred duty.

This is why, as Prime Minister, I made my DPG to the National Assembly, within three months of my appointment, and faced the motion of censure that the deputies of a parliamentary group had introduced.

To avoid an institutional crisis likely to weaken our democracy, it is our duty to ensure that each stage of our democratic process is scrupulously respected.

My dearest wish, driven by my political commitment, is to see our country progress while respecting our institutions and our democratic values. Our common desire to ensure these principles will strengthen our democracy and consolidate the trust of our fellow citizens in their leaders.

Long live the Republic !
Long live Senegal!

Amadou BA
Former Prime Minister of Senegal



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