a public meeting to try to reassure supporters

a public meeting to try to reassure supporters
a public meeting to try to reassure supporters
“How is it that we are here when after the season in Ligue 1, we were told that our debts were paid off? “. The first question comes from the audience, from the first minutes of the public meeting, organized urgently by the Ajaccio club to try to answer the questions of their supporters. A tense atmosphere following the relegation of the Ajaccio club to National by the DNCG.

A question which immediately leads to a clarification from Jean-Noël Fattaccioli, the vice-president of the ACA in charge of finances: “In Ligue 1, we received nearly 15 million euros from CVC that we immediately reinvested in improving the stadium. We were promised 17 million in TV rights, we only received 12 million! We had to pay salaries between 6,000 and 35,000 euros per month, that’s the reality of the figures. I don’t need the ACA to live, I’m here to help the club, I’m giving you the figures as they are and not according to rumours.”

“10 out of 10 chances of staying in Ligue 2 next season”

The figures, precisely, the supporters will not have what they expect, the missing amount to be able to play serenely in Ligue 2 next season. “It’s not the 43 million euros of debt of the Girondins de Bordeaux, I reassure you. We had a shortfall from a sponsor, who didn’t pay his share and it was a significant amount. We won in court, we are waiting to recover this amount. But, I will provide the necessary guarantees to reverse the decision on appeal. On a scale of 1 to 10 ? We have a 10 out of 10 chance of staying in Ligue 2 next season” continues the vice-president of the club, unaccustomed to communicating and speaking in front of his supporters.

“We are not helped enough by the Communities”

During the conversation, a few figures emerge and annoy Jean-Noël Fattaccioli: “We own our stadium, but it costs us 1.2 million per year in maintenance. Smoke bombs from supporters? It’s 110,000 euros per year. We receive 90,000 euros from the City of Ajaccio and 160,000 euros from the Collectivity of Corsica in subsidies. The City of Martigues, for example, gives 1 million euros per year in subsidies to its football club. Our Training Center, for which we pay a fixed price directly to the CSJC, is the 4th most expensive of the professional clubs! Overall, we are not helped enough by the communities, compared to other clubs”Danielle Antonini, elected within the territorial majority, president of the CSJC, is in the room and does not appreciate it: “I remind you that you need the CSJC to have this training center, and that it seems to me that it meets all your expectations in terms of structures and quality.” A controversy immediately defused by the Ajaccian leaders.

In the audience, questions rained down, particularly on the club’s opacity regarding player sales and undisclosed transfer fees. Daniel Bufano, the President, “regrets the club’s lack of communication, but invites supporters to visit the LFP website where the clubs’ accounts appear, particularly revenue in terms of player transfers. We generally sell our players for between 1.5 and 2 million euros. We need these sales to balance the accounts. But we also have to think about the team’s sporting balance to have a competitive team. We have invested in a training centre, which allows players to develop at a professional level before selling them later.”

The sale of the club completed in the medium term

The Marchetti case, the departures of Bammou and Chanot, the statements of Olivier Pantaloni or those of Valentin Jacob in the media are also mentioned and criticized but the leaders dodge the issue: “Next time, we will invite Yohan Cavalli, sports manager, to answer all these topics. Today, we are here for the financial aspect. We should organize a quarterly meeting to be able to meet your expectations” the leaders mention.

The climate calms down, a supporter reassured by the speech announces: “I thank you for these explanations, I trust you, and if we have a 10 out of 10 chance of remaining in Ligue 2 then I will renew my 4 subscriptions for next season.” Before closing, a historic supporter of the club wants to know more about the sale rumors and the future of AC Ajaccio. Daniel Bufano answers in all transparency: “Alain Orsoni, the owner of the club no longer lives in Ajaccio. He has brought a lot to the club, he notably succeeded in getting the club into Ligue 1 several times, he has done great things in terms of infrastructure but he has now decided for the future of the ACA and its sustainability, to put in place a protocol for the transfer of its shares. I am here to make this transition successful.” Jean-Noël Fattaccioli agrees and adds: “New capital is needed to restructure the club, but not with me, I prefer to be clear. I’m only here to help the club before leaving.” A sale that could be finalized within a few months.

In the meantime, AC Ajaccio, which has appealed the DNCG’s decision, should be heard on July 14 to find out if it will be able to play in Ligue 2 next season. There will then be just one month left before the championship resumes to confirm the choice of the new coach and strengthen the first team in order to continue its adventure in the professional world of today’s football. A permanent miracle.



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