Millau. €3,300 raised thanks to the Poly’Songs charity concert against Charcot’s disease

On May 15, the Poly’Songs choir organized a large free concert around Charcot’s disease (ALS) and Arnaud Trémolet at the Maison du peuple theater, kindly loaned by the municipality. During the evening, more than €3,000 was raised for research against the disease.

At the invitation ofArnaud Trémoletaffected for three years by Charcot’s disease, Jean-Baptiste Tissot had concocted a program of songs and dances with several artists who all responded spontaneously and graciously. The charitable evening did not impose an entry price, but free participation from the public who was particularly generous. No less than €3,300 were collected for the occasion thanks to the kitty and the pastries prepared by Arnaud’s family and sold during the evening. The check was given this Saturday, June 29 to Aranud Trémolet by Cathy Calmes, the president of the Poly’songs association in the presence of several singers and dancers. It will be given to ARSLA – Association for Research on Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.


Arnaud Trémolet and Cathy Calmes.

« This evening was a complete success “, said the president before thanking all the participants: ” the wonderful little dancers of Agnès Péladan, the singers of Poil à gratter by Philippe Valentin, the musicians of Ukulélé social club directed by Anne marie Rivemale, the professional dancer Johanne Charlebois, the company Agua por favor, the girls les Berges folles, and of course all the choristers of Poly’song, special mention to Jean-Baptiste Tissot who coordinated the whole ».

Cathy Clames highlighted ” a broad and generous mobilization “, before addressing Arnaud Trémolet: ” I would like to take my hat off to you Arnaud, who has put so much energy into this matter, you give us all a great lesson in determination and energy. ».

It was with great emotion that the tireless fifty-year-old received these words, and he thanked all those who spontaneously supported him in this enterprise. It’s a world I didn’t know, I thank you all for what you did, I had a great time, I’m ready to do it again, you know we take action, because in this incurable disease to this day, time is running out », declared Arnaud Trémolet. Since the announcement of his illness in April 2021, he explains that he has decided to “ to fight and not to suffer in order to get as many people as possible talking about this disease so that things change ».

For several months, with the help of his wife who insists on the importance of such evenings ” to celebrate life “, he multiplies initiatives to reach the general public and raise awareness of research.

A Millavie association

In the short term, certainly by the start of the school year, the Millavois explains that he will create a local association ” to create a link between the ALS center in Montpellier and Millau “, it will serve as a relay for patients who are often very isolated and will allow them to find local contacts, personal assistance, doctors, speech therapists, physiotherapists, etc.” The Arnaud de Millau Team » should see the light of day in the coming months.

In the fall, Arnaud will organize a film debate around the filmOlivier Goy “Invincible Summer”. The man, also affected by ALS, has for several days been president of the national association which has since become the ARSA Foundation.

« We will try to do other events, the primary goal is to get people talking » assure Arnaud Trémolet before recalling that, ” according to official figures, every day five people in France are diagnosed with ALS, including 10% to 15% genetic cases. They represent in all 1700 patients per year and as many deaths. L’average life expectancy is 3 to 5 yearsand the research is not progressing ».



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