Happy Canada Day!

Happy Canada Day!
Happy Canada Day!

From 9 a.m., the flea market began to attract its first customers with around fifty tables available. Some downtown merchants were also there. Several hundred people circulated on Saint-Jean-Baptiste Street, which was pedestrianized for the occasion.

Credit: Facebook Bernard Généreux.

Marching band performances were also planned at several times during the day. For children, inflatable games, face painting, etc. were on site. The retirement homes were also treated to a visit from the musical duo Tandem.

With a budget cut by 75% by Canadian Heritage, the organizing committee had to redouble its efforts in order to hold festivities similar to those of previous years. Jean-François Roy, director of the Montmagny Leisure Department, thanks the involvement of local organizations and businesses who made everything possible.

Let’s highlight the history

Like every year, the official ceremony to launch the festivities was held at the Maison-Étienne-Paschal-Taché national historic site of Canada with the raising of the flag, the playing of the national anthem and the sharing of the cake.

In addition to the tour of the house, a new activity was offered to passers-by to help them discover new aspects of life in the 1860s, the time of Confederation. It was possible to meet three women dressed in period clothing who were having tea. They discussed several elements related to their customs and clothing. Several objects had also been taken outside to be discovered by passers-by.

Activity at Maison Taché.

During their speeches, the elected officials present also stressed the importance of remembering the work of those who are responsible for the creation of Canada and of defending it ever since.

“It is an honor for me to be here to celebrate Canada Day in the Taché family’s outdoor courtyard. I like the history of Montmagny and for me it is important to emphasize that Mr. Tâché left a great legacy for us. Canada is each of you, without exception, because everyone is involved with their loved ones, their family, their community or their country,” said Mayor Marc Laurin.

“I am privileged to be here to be able to share this moment in tribute to the Fathers of Confederation with the planned activities, to have this memory that we can all share together, but also to celebrate Canada Day today. As your provincial representative, I am allowed to see every day how our Côte-du-Sud region shines and shines, not only here in Chaudière-Appalaches, in our province, in Canada, but all over the world,” said provincial MNA Mathieu Rivest.

“Memory is a faculty that forgets and I believe that Canada Day allows us to revive these memories and these people who have made a fundamental difference in our country. Very humbly, we are trying at our level now to ensure that this country remains one of peace, love, joy, where we can celebrate and feel good about ourselves,” said federal MP Bernard Généreux.



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