Toulouse. Anti-RN demonstrations “every day”: the prefecture’s ban falls

Toulouse. Anti-RN demonstrations “every day”: the prefecture’s ban falls
Toulouse. Anti-RN demonstrations “every day”: the prefecture’s ban falls


Maréva Laville

Published on

Jul 1, 2024 at 5:06 p.m.

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A first demonstration was organized even before the final results of the first round of the 2024 legislative elections, in Toulouse. Sunday June 30, at 8 p.m., around a hundred activists anti-National Rally gathered on Place Arnaud-Bernard chanting “youth piss off the National Front”.

A call to demonstrate every evening

On social media, the Mirail en lutte collective launched an independent call for “a rally against fascism” and the organization of “popular resistance” every eveninghas from this Monday 1is July 2024 In Toulouse.

The demonstrations would start from Jean Jaurès from 8 p.m.

The prefecture prohibits

Monday afternoon, the Haute-Garonne prefecture announced that it would ban this July 1 gathering, “in order to protect property and people, the public and demonstrators”

“Undeclared protest demonstrations and gatherings are prohibited on Monday, July 1 from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. in the hyper-center of Toulouse,” the prefecture indicates.

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Any demonstration is prohibited within the perimeter located inside the boulevards.

Previously, the Prefecture had banned all unauthorized gatherings against the far right.

(With David Saint-Sernin)

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