Cyril Hanouna replaced by the “mini-Pascal Praud” Eliot Deval during the inter-round period – Libération

Cyril Hanouna replaced by the “mini-Pascal Praud” Eliot Deval during the inter-round period – Libération
Cyril Hanouna replaced by the “mini-Pascal Praud” Eliot Deval during the inter-round period – Libération

The journalist, very compatible with Bolloré, replaces the star host from Monday between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. He will be responsible for “deciphering […] the results and issues” of the legislative elections.

A holiday for Hanouna but not for Bolloré’s far-right ideas machine. Journalist Eliot Deval, who came from CNews and is sometimes presented as a “mini-Pascal Praud”, will take over from the star presenter on Europe 1, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., starting Monday, July 1, and “for the next two weeks.” The station announced this in a press release on Friday. It explained that it wanted to stay “mobilized [e] on political news and gives [r] the floor to his listeners. Eliot Devall, “surrounded by guests and columnists”, will be responsible for “Decrypt […] the results and issues of this election [législative]».

Will he take an example from his predecessor? Cyril Hanouna and Europe 1, who had improvised over the last two weeks a political program called We walk on the head, were formally notified on Thursday evening by Arcom for their lack of “measure” and D’“honesty” in information processing. The media regulator notably estimated that “electoral news from La France insoumise and the New Popular Front”, y “has been treated in a systematically critical and virulent manner, often in pejorative and outrageous terms.” Furthermore, Arcom judges that the treatment “was largely unequivocal, with most of the guests, the vast majority of whom came from the same political movement, making similar statements” towards right-wing and far-right ideas. Between June 17 and 26, during the ten Hanouna shows broadcast on Europe 1, 16 guests out of 29 “represented or supported parties from the far-right bloc, compared to 7 from the presidential majority and 2 from the New Popular Front,” highlights Arcom.

The arrival of Eliot Deval is yet another illustration of the bridges created by Vincent Bolloré between his different media (C8, CNews, Europe 1, the JDD…), who share headliners and ideas invariably focused on “the union of the rights”. Two former CNews columnists, Pierre Gentillet and Guillaume Bigot, are RN candidates for the legislative elections. Thirty-year-old Eliot Deval is no exception, he who serves as a replacement for Pascal Praud on CNews, and already co-hosts a program on Saturday morning on Europe 1 with Philippe de Villiers and Geoffroy Lejeune, the editorial director of JDD.

This Saturday morning, Deval, who hosted Pro Hour on CNews, was – due to the electoral reserve period – forced to exercise a certain restraint, he who had for example denounced on June 15 “the Mélenchonized Popular Front” against «l’union nationale» led by the RN. No matter, the presenter still found a way to stay in his outdated and reactionary line, praising in his introductory “editorial” the merits of the Tour de France: a “ode to our lands, to our villages, to these bell towers which remind us of our history”, “a daily dose of patriotism”, “a blue, white and red love”. On Europe 1, the “decoding” of political news over the next two weeks is definitely in good hands.



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