Legislative elections in Lot-et-Garonne: “I grew up listening to Brassens and Renaud”, Sébastien Delbosq, itinerary of an ex-Sarkozyste seduced by Marine Le Pen

Legislative elections in Lot-et-Garonne: “I grew up listening to Brassens and Renaud”, Sébastien Delbosq, itinerary of an ex-Sarkozyste seduced by Marine Le Pen
Legislative elections in Lot-et-Garonne: “I grew up listening to Brassens and Renaud”, Sébastien Delbosq, itinerary of an ex-Sarkozyste seduced by Marine Le Pen

From the right to the far right. Sébastien Delbosq, RN candidate for the 1st constituency, is a pure product of the Marine Le Pen generation.

Sébastien Delbosq presents well. Polite, well-mannered, well-groomed, friendly, smiling, he has the tanned complexion of vacationers… “I’m tanned because I’ve been out in the countryside every day for three weeks.” He put up posters, met voters. He says he works selflessly and has “the value of work”.

At 38 years old, born at the Esquirol clinic in Agen, he is the RN candidate for the 1st constituency, that of Agen-Nérac. Sunday evening, he finished first in the first round of the legislative elections. He gathered 43.11% of the votes, 26,034 votes, or 8,879 ballots more than the outgoing deputy Michel Lauzzana (Together!), the outgoing deputy. As in 2022, the two men face each other in a duel for the second round.

“I grew up listening to Brassens and Renaud”

A mother working at UPSA (she died), a father a versatile agent at the Chamber of Agriculture, Sébastien Delbosq grew up “listening to Brassens and Renaud, in a left-wing culture”. “My parents, of whom I am very proud, were not politicized, but very political. They talked a lot about this subject.”

He goes through Théophile De Viau college, Saint-Caprais high school and Sud Management. He is now an economics trainer at Agrocampus 47. He was sales director in rental management for almost 10 years. A fan of horse riding and cycling, he knows Lot-et-Garonne and how to behave there perfectly.

He advocates dialogue, the debate of ideas and the confrontation of programs. “I am deeply attached to the Republic and respect for democracy.” He feels offended when he is called “fascho”. He confides that he was deeply hurt on Sunday evening by the comments of environmentalist Paul Vo Van. When withdrawing in favor of Michel Lauzzana, the candidate of the New Popular Front warned of the fact that the RN could “implement its racist program”.

He took his card from the RN in 2012

“43% of Lot-et-Garonnais voted RN,” he recalls. “We must stop insulting them. The historic FN began on the far right, it’s true, but it’s over. This word far right is semantics used by our adversaries.” He takes the opportunity to tackle the Republican front. “It’s time to stop infantilizing voters with little electoral agreements.”

Sébastien Delbosq entered the political scene by betting on Nicolas Sarkozy in the early 2000s. He joined the Union for a Popular Movement (UMP). In 2007, “Sarko” was elected president. He disappoints him because, according to him, he did not keep his promises. He returned his card in 2008.

In 2011, Marine Le Pen officially became president of the National Front. She is at a meeting in Agen in 2012. She seduces him. He walks away. Étienne Bousquet-Cassagne, son of Serge Bousquet-Cassagne, current president of the Chamber of Agriculture, was then departmental head of the FN. He campaigns with him. In 2013, the year of the Cahuzac affair, he was a candidate for the FN in the municipal elections of Passage d’Agen. Head of the list. Elected, he is in opposition. Until his move to Bon-Encontre in 2018.

Sébastien Delbosq will then be involved in all political battles. Departmental and regional elections in 2015 and 2021, municipal elections in Bon-Encontre in 2020, legislative elections in 2022, senatorial elections in 2023, he surveyed every plot of Lot-et-Garonne. He pushed with the RN modeled by Marine Le Pen. In the first round of the 2017 legislative elections, the party received 23,217 votes in Lot-et-Garonne. On Sunday, there were 72,533. Sébastien Delbosq is eager to see the Bardella government put in place emergency measures. Which ones? “Those relating to security and the expulsion of foreign delinquents and criminals”



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