Eurovision in Switzerland greeted with skepticism


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June 29, 2024 – 1:30 p.m.

(Keystone-ATS) The organization of the Eurovision in Switzerland next year is only met with limited enthusiasm, Blick found on Saturday, based on a Sotomo survey. Only 46% of those surveyed are looking forward to the event.

Conversely, 49% of respondents answered “no” or “rather no”. The remaining 5% say they do not yet have a clear opinion on the subject. Women enjoy it more than men. The older people are, the more skeptical they become.

In the parties, supporters of the Greens are the most enthusiastic with 72% of people in favor. A majority is also emerging in the PS, among the liberal Greens and in the Center.

Supporters of the SVP and PLR are much less convinced. In the SVP, 74% of respondents are against the Eurovision Song Contest (ESC) coming to Switzerland. A majority of non-party members say they are not happy either.

The cities of Bern and Biel together, Geneva, Zurich and Basel are candidates to organize the event. ESC 2025 will take place in Switzerland after Nemo’s victory this year. The European Broadcasting Union (EBU) and SSR will announce the name of the host city at the end of August.



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