Le Mans. He hits his girlfriend and declares: “we can’t see anything, she’s black”

Le Mans. He hits his girlfriend and declares: “we can’t see anything, she’s black”
Le Mans. He hits his girlfriend and declares: “we can’t see anything, she’s black”


Editorial Le Mans

Published on

June 29, 2024 at 12:16 p.m.

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“Come quickly, he knocked out my tooth,” shouts a woman when she calls the police, January 15, 2024. To the officers, the woman, who lives Le Mans (Sarthe), says that his companion is the author of violence.

When they arrived on the scene, the police noticed that the woman had indeed lost a tooth following the violence suffered and which she presents other marks of blows. The victim provides details: her companion hit, far-fetched and violently thrown on the couch.

“We can’t see anything, it’s black.”

Placed in jail, the companion denies being the author violence. He wonders how we can certify that she received them: “we can’t see anything, she’s black,” he says to the police officers who present him with the photos of hematomas of his companion.

In court on June 19, the 52-year-old defendant, convicted by the assize court in 2014 for violstill disputes the alleged facts.
Constantly interrupting the president of the court, he claims that the victim, of Ivorian nationality, entered into a relationship with him out of interest.

“I didn’t know you couldn’t rape your wife”

When Jennifer Neveu, the victim’s lawyer, asked him how the victim could have lost a tooth, he replied: “I don’t know, she wasn’t heard right away.”

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Questioned about the rape that led to his being brought before the Assize Court and his conviction, the defendant said: “I didn’t know that you couldn’t rape your wife.”

To which Mr Neveu replied: “as there is no problem in raping one’s wife in France, I am sure that hitting one’s partner of Ivorian nationality does not pose one either.”

8 months in prison

As for the defendant’s lawyer, she asked for an appropriate sentence for her client.

Following the prosecutor’s requisitions, the court found the defendant guilty and sentenced him to 8 months in prison.

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