Eco-design of sets, transport… The Aix Festival plays the ecological transition card

Eco-design of sets, transport… The Aix Festival plays the ecological transition card
Eco-design of sets, transport… The Aix Festival plays the ecological transition card

Zero waste, eco-design and recycling of sets, energy diagnostics of buildings, optimization of transport of sets, artists, teams and the public, awareness, food, sustainable purchasing and communication… The action plan for the ecological transition of the Aix Festival for the period 2024 – 2030, divided into nine areas of intervention, does not exclude any stage of the organization of the festival from the environmental issue.

This plan is the culmination of a desire that began in 2012, when the technical management of the Festival was already questioning the way in which the sometimes monumental sets of operas are designed: “The aim was both to use non-polluting materials, but also to imagine the entire life cycle of the decor in such a way that it could be recycled and that some of its elements could be reused, either by other cultural actors or in the associative environment.“, underlines Stéphanie Deporcq, managing director of the Aix Festival.

A pioneer in the field, this approach gave rise in 2018 to the “Eco-design guide for opera, theater and other scenography sets”.

A “head-searching” technical department

This guide is part of a larger research project called “Standard Structure”, which brings together the Aix Festival and all the other “17h25” collectives.industry leaders“: the Paris Opera, the Châtelet Theater, the Lyon Opera, and the Monnaie Theater in Brussels.



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