anti-bullfighting demonstration this Saturday near Béziers led by COLBAC

The Biterrois Liaison Committee for the Abolition of Bullfighting (COLBAC) organize a peaceful demonstration this Saturday June 29 in front of the arenas of Boujan-sur-Libron. The gathering is planned from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. and coincides with the first novillada of the fair «Toros y Campo» and aims to denounce what the association describes as bloody practice.

This is a first in Boujan-sur-Libron where the mayor of the town has not issued a municipal decree to prohibit the holding of this anti-bullfighting event. Last year, two legal actions led by COLBAC had pushed Gérard Abellathe mayor, to withdraw the order banning these gatherings.

Our objective is to denounce the cruelty of novilladas, to question consciences and to make people think with our visuals and messages. No tradition justifies acts of cruelty towards animals. The suffering and agony of a bull should not be a spectacle. Our peaceful demonstrations contribute to the evolution of mentalities in Béziers and Boujan.

Sophie Maffre-Baugé, president of COLBAC

Raise awareness among partner brands

Ahead of the event, COLBAC sent letters to the partners of the “Toros y Campo” fair to raise their awareness of the implications of their support for this event. Among the companies targeted are national and local brands such as:Optic 2000the banks CIC et Savings Bankthe jeweller’s Guilhemthe decoration store Architruc & Baltaz’Arthair salons Jean Vallonand the pharmacy Arenas. As a reminder, during this event 17 young bulls will be put to death. Thus, COLBAC alerts these brands about the image they would project to the public, which is increasingly sensitive to questions of animal welfare.

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