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Bessan – Summer exhibitions flourish with success with the library and Terres de Touroulle

Bessan – Summer exhibitions flourish with success with the library and Terres de Touroulle
Bessan – Summer exhibitions flourish with success with the library and Terres de Touroulle

Bessan’s associative cultural exhibitions are all the rage at the start of summer.

Recently, two of them have had great success, respectively in the portrait room of the town hall and in the village hall.

With the support of the municipality, on one side the Renée Petit library and, on the other, the “Terres de Touroulle” association delighted culture lovers.

Many library managers, organizers and members attended the opening of the mandala exhibition in the town hall.

Mandalas that can be admired until July 12 in the portrait room with even participatory workshops, open to all interested people, scheduled for July 1, 2, 8 and 9, from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.

In the village hall, the annual show of the “Terres de Touroulle” association, dedicated to modeling and painting, also enjoyed popular success with Francine Carcel, the president, and all the members. An opportunity to discover or rediscover high quality works to the sounds of the music school during the opening.

Francine Carcel did not fail to recall the action of the association whose premises are located on Boulevard de la Liberté, its openness to young people in connection with the Victor Hugo elementary school and the leisure center.

The guest of honor, Bernard Bouissac, was congratulated and the public voted to choose next year’s guest of honor: Sylvie Dubourg was acclaimed.



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