MAP. Around thirty trees are classified and protected in Le Mans: where are they?

MAP. Around thirty trees are classified and protected in Le Mans: where are they?
MAP. Around thirty trees are classified and protected in Le Mans: where are they?


Maxime Davoust

Published on

June 29, 2024 at 10:52 a.m.

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When slaughter of the maples for the project of Chronolignesau Mansnotably avenue Bolleestill controversial, the City unveiled its “tree charter”.

It applies to future developments, whether private or public, to individuals, businesses or communities. The charter, for the purpose pedagogic(to download by clicking on this link) presents the functioning and role of a tree, as well as the constraints linked to urbanization.

1000 trees per year for 10 years

Furthermore, Le Mans is engaged in a “canopy plan” : it includes actions concrete. Among these: the replanting of 1000 trees per year pendant 10 ans or the creation of a nursery managed by the municipality.

One of the objectives is also to protect certain specimensconsidered interesting for historical, ecological, architectural or cultural reasons.

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Where are the classified trees?

Cedar, ash, plane tree, lime, beech, oak… On the scale of the Le Mans conurbation, about thirty trees are already classified (map below) in the intercommunal local urban planning plan (PLUI).

This possibility was also offered to the private owners who can thus preserve the species present on their land.

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