This association from Val-d’Oise has been fighting for 30 years to save cats

This association from Val-d’Oise has been fighting for 30 years to save cats
This association from Val-d’Oise has been fighting for 30 years to save cats


Raphael Delaveaux

Published on

June 29, 2024 at 8:46 a.m.

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“You should not buy a chatwe can get it back.”

Florence Legrand, 66, is the president of the Sos cat pattes association.

In Montmorency (Val-d’Oise), she takes care of sterilizing, vaccinating, feeding and taking care of chatseither given by individuals or strays.

Need for families

As we approach the School vacationmany individuals part with their four-legged friends.

Generally, people call us to inform us that babies have just been born or that they no longer want to take care of their cat.

Florence Legrand, president of the Sos Cat Paws association.
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“We are entering our most intense period,” she emphasizes.

In the summer of 2022, according to figures from the SPA (Society for the Protection of Animals), more than 10,000 felines were abandoned. Sos cat pattes is still looking for host families.

“We are more than saturated at the moment,” laments Florence Legrand.

L’associationdue to the large number of cats to take care of, can only manage those in Montmorency.

Sos Cat Paws was created in 1992.

“We sterilize around fifty cats per year, thus regulating births and avoiding many suffering (hunger, illness, accidents, traps, poisoning, etc.). »

To take care of the cats, 71 volunteers take turns throughout the year. Every day, “six or seven” of them are on site, in a garden at the top of Montmorencyto provide for their needs.

“It takes a lot of time and energy. Taking care of these cats is 365 days a year,” says the manager.

On a daily basis, the volunteers feed and care for the cats.

36 573 €

“We have heavy operating costs. For 2023 alone, we have committed 36 573 € of veterinary fees.

Sos cat pattes operates mainly through donations, in addition to a municipal subsidy.

The Montmorency association regularly participates in events organized by the City.

“We were there for the Les Naturelles festival, the Christmas market, the Festival of associationsAnimal Day and World Day Against Animal Abandonment,” adds Florence Legrand.

Collections in certain stores also allow Sos cat pattes to collect food for its felines.

Finally, she organizes animations with primary and middle school classes, in order to raise awareness of the animal cause.

A festive evening will soon be planned, still with the aim of collecting dons.

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