Tournefeuille. M50 road: Public meeting on the works

Tournefeuille. M50 road: Public meeting on the works
Tournefeuille. M50 road: Public meeting on the works

In order to reduce bus travel times, ensure their regularity as well as make network infrastructure accessible and improve the comfort of equipment dedicated to public transport, development work on the M50 metropolitan road in Tournefeuille is planned. This concerns avenues du Marquisat and chemin Ramelet Moundi as well as the Serment de Koufra and Dunant roundabouts and the intersection with rue de Villandry. The objective is to increase the attractiveness of the public transport offered by Tisséo Collectivité by removing traffic black spots and thus improving the quality of service for users. To do this, it is planned to redevelop certain sections of track in favor of buses, by inserting a lane dedicated to public transport as well as redeveloping intersections or roundabouts as well as stopping points. The projects also envisage the development or redevelopment of active mode paths, in order to allow separation of pedestrian and cycle paths on these axes, thus increasing user safety. At the same time, work to modernize and renew public lighting in the sector is planned.

In order to involve the public in the development of this project, Toulouse Métropole organized a consultation which was held from January 31 to February 28, 2023. This consultation made it possible to establish a report taking up and summarizing the opinions and observations formulated. This assessment was the subject of a deliberation submitted during a Council meeting, to the vote of the elected officials of Toulouse Métropole, presenting the follow-up given by the project owner to the public’s observations and their integration into the detailed studies prior to the public inquiry, if applicable. This report is publicly available:

The City of Tournefeuille is organizing a public meeting on the development project for this M50 metropolitan road on Thursday July 4 at 6:30 p.m. at the Phare.


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