launch of a comprehensive care pathway

launch of a comprehensive care pathway
launch of a comprehensive care pathway

If menopause concerns or will concern all women, with today nearly 14 million women in Franceshe is still a taboo subject for almost a third (30%) of themaccording to a survey carried out by the Kantar institute for Mgen and the Women’s Foundation.

A major subject therefore, which it is high time to deal with because, take care of menopauseit means organizing complete and coordinated management of all the symptoms and risks that can appear in the face of this new hormonal balance which makes women more at risk in certain areas.

In practice, this “menopause” treatment course is designed to supporting women with kindness during this transition period.

« Multidisciplinary and coordinated support for women during menopause is essential to optimize their quality of life, manage symptoms such as hot flashes, sleep disorders or even vaginal dryness and prevent long-term complications. ” says Dr. Alix Roquette, medical director and medical gynecologist at Sorella.

And to continue: “ this comprehensive approach involves collaboration between gynecologists, cardiologists, psychologists and other health professionals, in order to personalize care according to the specific needs of each patient.”

In practice, it is necessary to take into account the complex hormonal mechanisms involved andprovide individualized solutions to reduce unwanted effects.

For example, midwives and gynecologists provide gynecological monitoring; physiotherapists support the resumption of physical activity; and perineal rehabilitation, acupuncture and hypnosis offer soothing resources to alleviate discomfort.

As for dietary support and psychological and sexology support, they are also at the heart of this approach, aiming to promote the overall well-being of women in this phase of their lives.

« We have put in place four pillars: expertise, multidisciplinary, coordination of care and partnerships with hospitals, embodied in the field by the coordinating nurse: link between health professionals around a woman, complementarity expertise within the same center, continuing training to always enrich the care offer… » says Claire Derache, responsible for coordination at Sorella.

And to conclude: “ It is thanks to these four pillars that we can offer women a care pathway focused on their needs and their problems. ».



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