33% for the RN, 28% for the NFP, the final results are known

33% for the RN, 28% for the NFP, the final results are known
33% for the RN, 28% for the NFP, the final results are known

Three weeks after the results of the European elections, which led to the dissolution of the National Assembly, voters returned to the polling stations for the first round of legislative elections on June 30, 2024. The Ministry of the Interior published the final results on the night of Sunday to Monday.

First important element, the final participation amounts to 64.99%, or 17.5 points more than in the first of the 2022 legislative elections (47.51%). This is a record since the 64.4% participation since 2002.

Read also: What could the next National Assembly look like on July 7?

The National Rally captured the largest number of votes, with a score of 29.2%, combined with 3.9% of the far-right union candidates rallying around Éric Ciotti. This total allows the RN to send 37 of its candidates directly to the National Assembly, without even going through the second round on Sunday July 7. The far-right alliance obtains 10.6 million votes, more than double the 4.2 million in the first round of the legislative elections in 2022. The far-right party thus shatters its vote record in all elections combined, obtained during a first round, until then held by Marine Le Pen during the 2022 presidential election with 8,133,828 ballots counted in her name.

Clear defeat for the presidential camp

In second place, the New Popular Front, bringing together the main left-wing groups, totaled nearly 9 million votes, or 28% of the vote. For comparison, Nupes (New Popular Ecological and Social Union) totaled 5,836,202 votes in the first round in 2022, which placed it in second position with 25.6% of the votes cast. 32 candidates from the Union of Lefts won their constituency and are already elected in this first round. In detail, La France insoumise has 20 deputies, the Socialist Party five, Europe-Écologie-Les Verts also five, and the Communist Party two.

During this election, the French sanctioned Emmanuel Macron’s camp: the Ensemble! finished third, with 20%. As a reminder, the presidential majority finished in the lead during the first round of the 2022 legislative elections with 25.7% of the votes. In terms of number of ballots, the strong participation allowed the candidates led by Prime Minister Gabriel Attal to collect 6.4 million votes, a little more than in the first round in 2022 (5.8 million). At the end of the first round, Together! has only two candidates already elected.

In fourth position, The Republicans/Divers Right, destabilized in particular by the alliance formed between its president Éric Ciotti and the National Rally, are showing a little resistance. They garnered 10.2% of the votes cast, compared to 10.4% in the first round of the 2022 legislative elections.



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