Villeneuve-la-Comptal. Tchao Kyara –

Villeneuve-la-Comptal. Tchao Kyara –
Villeneuve-la-Comptal. Tchao Kyara –

Sunday, April 7, the terrible circumstances of the death of Kyara Marteau – Lavail spread throughout the department, a tragic, terrible shock wave which shook Lauragais and beyond from which the Marteau, Lavail, Escolier, Escudier families came and honorably known. Kyara was sunny, her kindness, her smile, her natural gentleness seduced and soothed. Kyara, as a child, her vacations were in Villeneuve with papou Gérard and mamou Monique as a family where she flourished every day, alongside her younger sister Lyséa, as a teenager her center of interest was not rugby like her dad Cyril or gymnastics like mom Nelly. She transmits her sensitivity, her natural grace and her empathy to the ponies, horses and donkeys that she cares for and rides to the point of making the stables her haven of peace. Barely out of this happy and carefree adolescence, the young woman took and passed her baccalaureate, while waiting to join a hotel school, professional life and life in general held out its arms to her, she learned the job during the holidays and was reassured in her choice of profession. Destiny has decided otherwise, the dream collapses, the pain is immense. The religious ceremony will take place in Castelnaudary at the Saint-Michel cathedral at 10:30 a.m. The burial will take place in the cemetery in Villeneuve-la-Comptal. The editorial team joins in the grief and presents its sincere condolences to Cyril and Nelly Marteau, the grandparents and great-grandparents and all those close to the family.



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