France: a bakery burned and sprayed with racist messages in Avignon

France: a bakery burned and sprayed with racist messages in Avignon
France: a bakery burned and sprayed with racist messages in Avignon

The events occurred during the night from Tuesday to Wednesday. The door of the shop was forced open and several fires were observed, causing significant damage. “Racist and homophobic writing” was also found, this source told AFP, confirming information from the local press.

An investigation was opened, entrusted to the Avignon police. At this stage, no avenue is favored, again according to this source. Contacted by AFP, the Avignon public prosecutor’s office could not immediately be reached.

The bakery, which is located on the outskirts of the city of the popes, was closed on Friday, an AFP journalist noted. On the facade, a note from a person identifying himself as a customer read: “I am with you with all my heart, the people who attacked you dishonor our country.”

The incident comes a few days before the first round of legislative elections, Sunday. French President Emmanuel Macron decided to call this early national vote after his failure in the European elections on June 9 against the far-right National Rally (RN) party, which obtained twice as many votes as the presidential party. The RN and its “classic” right-wing allies of Eric Ciotti are leading the voting intentions in the first round of the legislative elections (35.5 to 36%), followed by the New Popular Front (left, 27 to 29.5% ), the macronie being left behind (19.5 to 20%), according to two polls still published on Saturday.



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