the administrative court suspends the banning order of the mayor of Rouen

the administrative court suspends the banning order of the mayor of Rouen
the administrative court suspends the banning order of the mayor of Rouen

Justice was seized yesterday by the organizers of this identity evening. An emergency procedure because the evening was to be held this Friday, June 28. The administrative court suspends the municipal ban order based on public order and the prohibition of discrimination.

The Rouen administrative court examined during the day the appeal of the organizers of the evening at the Rouen identity bar “le Mora” (linked to the Normandy Union of France).

It was a summary judgment, “procedure allowing the administrative judge to take urgent measures to preserve the enjoyment of a fundamental freedom (freedom of assembly, freedom of expression, etc.)”.

The judges suspended the order taken this Thursday by the mayor of Rouen. The information was known at 6 p.m. The evening was to begin at 6:30 p.m.

The socialist mayor of Rouen, Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol, has reacted. He will appeal to the Council of State.

I take note of the decision of the Administrative Court. We appeal to the Council of State. I maintain that a call to xenophobia such as “Foreigners out” (Ausländer Raus, German Nazi slogan) has no place neither in Rouen nor anywhere in our Republic.

Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol, mayor of Rouen

The organizers of the evening entitled “strangers outside” posted a message on their social network. They cancel the party.

To take into account a certain emotion resulting from the provocative nature of the title of the evening

Facebook post of the bar “le Mora”

The mayor sent Monday a letter to the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin to ask him to dissolve the association organizing this evening.

Friday morning, Gérald Darmanin announced on France Info that the Ministry of the Interior was going to launch the investigation which will assess whether the “Union Normande de France” association should be dissolved.



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