A Toulon resident indicted in an investigation into a settling of scores in Valletta

A Toulon resident indicted in an investigation into a settling of scores in Valletta
A Toulon resident indicted in an investigation into a settling of scores in Valletta

A 30-year-old man from Toulon was indicted in mid-June as part of an investigation into a homicide committed on March 13, 2023 in La Valette-du-Var, we learned from consistent sources.

The victim, of the same age, was unfavorably known to the police and justice services.

This is one of the latest murderous settling of scores recorded in the Toulon area. That evening, around 9:30 p.m., Mario Allal was driving his vehicle when he was targeted in the parking lot of the residence where he lived.

An armed individual opened fire several times before fleeing, the Toulon prosecutor’s office said the day after this execution. The organized and specialized crime division (DCOS, ex-PJ) of Toulon is responsible for investigations under the authority of an investigating judge.

A violent clan in La Seyne

Little has been revealed about the profile of the victim who was fatally injured in the head.

According to our information, in 2017, “ after treatment consultation [de ses] criminal record“, the Var prefecture had refused a request for approval which would have allowed him to work as a security agent in a port in the harbor of Toulon.

Mario Allal was affiliated with a clan of drug traffickers from the Berthe estate in La Seyne-sur-Mer, in the sights of the judicial police. One of his cousins, a former robber, was presented as the right-hand man of the leader of this network who “ reigned by terror“, according to the expression of an investigator.

A long-time friend, also a member of this clan, died in July 2019 in a shootout near a disputed drug dealing point in Ollioules. Mario Allal himself had been the subject of an attempted murder in 2022, according to the prosecution, which had opened a judicial investigation.

“Referred to by rumor”

The thirty-year-old arrested as part of the investigation opened after the assassination of Mario Allal is also unfavorably known for various crimes.

Contacted by Var-Matin, his lawyer refused to comment.

It was rumor that he was named“, a member of his family defends him while proclaiming his innocence.



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