Faced with the rise of the RN, these couples of women fear for their child, as in Italy

Faced with the rise of the RN, these couples of women fear for their child, as in Italy
Faced with the rise of the RN, these couples of women fear for their child, as in Italy
JEAN-FRANCOIS MONIER / AFP Legislative 2024: Faced with the rise of the RN, these female couples fear for their child, as in Italy


2024 Legislative Elections: Faced with the rise of the RN, these couples of women fear for their child, as in Italy

FAMILIES – “ It scares me “. On the eve of the early legislative elections, where the RN is largely given the lead in the latest polls, and while racist speech has become even more free, in some families there is also anxiety. That of finding themselves in a climate hostile to LGBT+ families and of seeing an Italian-style situation set up if Jordan Bardella arrives at Matignon. In the boot, Giorgia Meloni passed a circular last year that asked to stop registering the birth certificates of children of same-sex couples.

« We were horrified by it. », entrusts to HuffPost Lara. This thirty-year-old, mother of two children with her wife, says to herself “ very anxious about the situation” : « I don’t believe in the RN changing at all. At the national or European level, they have never voted in favour of protecting or advancing our rights. ».

In fact, the elected representatives of the RN, European allies of Viktor Orban in Hungary, do not hesitate to speak of “ lobby LGBT “To the point of launching last year a parliamentary association against the “woke poison” and “LGBT propaganda”. At the initiative, the RN deputy Roger Chudeau, tipped for the morocco of National Education.

« Will books that depict same-sex families like ours disappear from schools, as in the United States?asks Anne-Laure, Suzanne’s social mother. I fear that they will give a blank check to the return of religious morality.”

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Fear for their parentage

In 2022, Marine Le Pen removed from her program the repeal of same-sex marriage and the ban on medically assisted procreation for lesbian couples, which appeared in her 2017 program. She now assures that she does not intend to “take away any rights” from the French but plans a three-year moratorium on societal rights.

Legally reassuring? Since the vote on the PMA law in 2021, the anticipated recognition (RCA) is the document that must be signed at the notary’s office by all couples of women who are going to resort to a gamete donation. It is presented to the civil registrar to establish the birth certificate in the names of both parents.

“The RCA has legal force, it is enshrined in the Civil Code, the civil registrar who receives the declaration of the birth of the child must comply with it. We can’t touch the CAR like that, that’s the difference with Italy, where the Meloni circular targeted the administrative process. In the case of adoption, we also enter into the framework of a judgment recorded by a court”reassures Florent Berdeaux, family law lawyer.

On the other hand, he recalls, “ a law like the one which organizes the filiation of same-sex families can always be repealed “It still has to be constitutional and in accordance with European treaties,” the lawyer recalls. Judicial judges are also a safeguard.

Among the most exposed cases, women who had a child before the law. Since 2021, they can make a retrospective RCA to regularize the situation and establish filiation, but this system ends on August 3, 2024. “ And the families are not necessarily aware of it. The delay that we were going to obtain before the dissolution will certainly not be a priority of the new government, which may oppose it completely.” Legal filiation procedures regarding GPA could also drag on: “ If the RN passes a law on the refusal to recognize children born through surrogacy abroad, in any case, in the end the ECHR requires France to find a rapid solution; the result desired by the RN may never be achieved, but the difficulties encountered by parents could multiply.”

Towards an LGBTIphobic climate

Beyond the legal issues, our interlocutors wonder about a climate of freedom of LGBTIphobic speech and the way in which their children will be exposed to it. I had to adopt my own child. It was humiliating and meant the police could come to the house to check if I was the mother. What will happen if with a police force under the orders of an RN Minister of the Interior? ” asks Anne-Laure.

« We are leaving with the children to join my partner in La Ciotat. There, only RN posters remain on the walls. And it scares me “, confides Lara. An anxious climate while same-sex couples still have to demonstrate pedagogy around them. ” I fear for my child who has already been exposed to homophobia and physical violence from a nursery supervisor who felt that since we were both mothers he lacked physical authority. »says Sigrid, mother of a young child with her partner Agathe.

What should you say and tell your child to protect them but without making them anxious? Our child spends his time insulting us by talking about “his two mothers”. He knows that sometimes you have to explain, but I’m afraid of having to be in this double education where he is told that you have to be proud and not hide, but at the same time be careful “, Sigrid continues.

The debates, still fresh, around marriage for all and the expansion of access to medically assisted procreation have left scars that are still raw. But not for everyone. Sigrid and Lara say they do not see any awareness in their respective families: ” We sent messages to mobilize but no response “, said the first. ” My sister doesn’t plan on voting “, says the second who adds: “ I need to do something, so when people come and talk to me in the street because I have children, I try to explain to them in my own little way. One person at a time. »

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