Can David Habib lose his stronghold in the third constituency?

Can David Habib lose his stronghold in the third constituency?
Can David Habib lose his stronghold in the third constituency?

In Béarn, political bastions have become a rare commodity and the third constituency of the Pyrénées-Atlantiques may be an exception. For more than two decades, the territory’s deputation has been held by the ex-socialist David Habib. The sixty-year-old, former mayor of Mourenx, was quick to announce his candidacy. In this new campaign…

In Béarn, political bastions have become a rare commodity and the third constituency of the Pyrénées-Atlantiques may be an exception. For more than two decades, the territory’s deputation has been held by the ex-socialist David Habib. The sixty-year-old, former mayor of Mourenx, was quick to announce his candidacy. In this new campaign, the former vice-president of the National Assembly is banking on his parliamentary experience. The councilor predicts a lower house dominated by parliamentarians from the National Rally (RN).

Like the last legislative elections, David Habib is campaigning without a political label. In 2022, this figure of the rose party left his political family, following the alliance sealed with La France insoumise within the framework of the New Ecological and Social Popular Union.

In the last legislature, the Béarnais MP opposed the two major bills brought by the government: pension reform and the immigration bill. Despite this, David Habib is singled out by several opponents as being the candidate of the majority. As in 2022, it has not nominated a candidate for the constituency.

Test election for the RN

In this third constituency of the Pyrénées-Atlantiques, seven candidates are facing each other. Nicolas Cresson (RN) and Joëlle Losson (Popular Front) are heading back into the campaign. In 2022, the candidate of the New Popular Front was the running mate of François Baby, beaten in the second round. The latter had collected 33.45% against 66.55% for David Habib. Nicolas Cresson for his part had not passed the first round, the representative of the National Rally came in fourth position, with 15.34% of the votes. Finally, The Republicans – placed in third position in the first round of the previous legislative elections – sent Gilles Mardelle, mayor of Castillon d’Arthez.

The regional left is represented by Audric Armand Mège. Antoine Missier wears the colors of Lutte Ouvrière. Kevin Briolais, the candidate for the Animal Movement, after trying to be elected in the sixth constituency of Pyrénées-Atlantiques in 2022, is exporting to Béarn.

Despite a solid base, David Habib’s re-election is not assured. The RN’s electoral surge in the last European elections reshuffled the cards. In Orthez and Mourenx, the RN broke records, accumulating 24.92% and 39.82% of votes respectively. Results above the departmental average. Despite these good scores in elections with national issues, Marine Le Pen’s party has never succeeded in transforming these electoral successes locally. Among the possible scenarios, that of a triangular between the New Popular Front, the RN and David Habib would give the most uncertain outcome.

From left to right: Gilles Mardelle (Les Républicains), Audric Armand-Mège (Endavant!), Nicolas Cresson (National Rally), Kévin Briolais (Movement for the Animals), Joelle Losson (New Front Popular), Antoine Missier (Workers’ Struggle ).

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