2024 legislative elections: “Aurélien Lopez-Liguori (RN) is the best candidate of the right in the 7th”, positions the mayor of Vias, Jordan Dartier

2024 legislative elections: “Aurélien Lopez-Liguori (RN) is the best candidate of the right in the 7th”, positions the mayor of Vias, Jordan Dartier
2024 legislative elections: “Aurélien Lopez-Liguori (RN) is the best candidate of the right in the 7th”, positions the mayor of Vias, Jordan Dartier

The mayor of Vias publicly shared his personal feelings regarding the legislative elections of June 30 and July 7. For him, there is no doubt that the candidate of the National Rally best embodies the values ​​of the right.

“My position is clear: I am a right-wing man and I therefore support a right-wing government. I call on the right-wing electorate to vote for a right-wing government and to block the New Popular Front which will lead to the bankruptcy of our country.” With these words, the mayor of Vias, Jordan Dartier, who has always claimed to be a social Gaullist, publicly expressed his personal feelings, just two days before the first round of the early legislative elections.

“I don’t consider him to be far-right”

And obviously, these words have a translation in the 7th constituency of Hérault. “For my part, and since it is necessary to send a right-wing deputy to the Assembly, I believe that the only one who is capable of winning and who has always worked well is Aurélien Lopez-Liguori.” The outgoing deputy, RN candidate in this constituency which includes Sète and Agde, via Vias, is in fact in the campaign to regain his seat. “He is the best candidate from the right in the 7th districtsays Jordan Dartier. The one who is best able to represent the values ​​of the right.” And to add: “I don’t consider him to be far-right, he’s a right-wing man”.

“For my country to get out of the impasse, it needs a right-wing majority. This is to reestablish support for businesses, values ​​of authority, education, justice, for sustained police forces,” he further develops. “We cannot bury our heads in the sand and wait for this to pass. After 7 years of Macronism, the country is on the brink of the abyss.”

If Jordan Dartier’s remarks, which are not included today, are based on local roots, she nevertheless places him in the wake of Eric Ciotti, for a very broad union of the rights including the RN.



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