Legislative elections in Saint-Brieuc: the city is still looking for assessors

128. This is the minimum number of assessors needed on an election day in Saint-Brieuc to man the 32 polling stations in the city. “You need two incumbents and two substitutes per station,” explains Yannick Le Cam, elected to the municipal public service. Knowing that the incumbents must be present a little before 8 a.m. to open the station, close the ballot box and make arrangements for the day, and also when it closes, at 6 p.m., to sign the minutes and attend the counting, which ends around 7:30 p.m.”

For these early legislative elections, the municipal councilor specifies that the number of assessors has been reached for the first round of voting, but that not all volunteers will be available for the second round, on Sunday, July 7. He therefore calls on interested persons to register with the elections department of the town hall.

Service heavily mobilized at the moment, with the help of that of civil status, i.e. around ten administrative agents on deck. As will other municipal agents these next two Sundays. Two secretaries, 64 in total, are needed in each office to draw up the minutes which will be sent to the prefecture at the end of the voting day. Not to mention the technical services which ensure the transport of equipment and the installation of polling stations. “Assembly is done the day before but in certain offices, schools for example, everything will have to be dismantled on the evening of June 30 to let the children return to class on Monday morning,” explains Yannick Le Cam.

(Archives Le Télégramme/François Destoc)

The distribution of offices has not been changed. “We did not want it, because a new division of the city by sectors had already been put in place for the European elections on June 9.” However, some community centers had been rented on the dates of the legislative elections. “Spontaneously, the neighborhood committees offered to manage directly with the families who had reserved to make the rooms available,” says Yannick Le Cam.


Saint-Brieuc town hall elections department: 02 96 62 55 08 or 02 96 62 55 03.



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