Public water opens the floodgates of its relations with higher education in Strasbourg

Public water opens the floodgates of its relations with higher education in Strasbourg
Public water opens the floodgates of its relations with higher education in Strasbourg

Giving visibility to the public sector in higher education in waterthis is the objective of the agreement signed at the beginning of June by France Eau publique (FEP) with Engees (National School of Water and Environmental Engineering) in Strasbourg (Bas-Rhin). Considered a prototype of theintensification of relations between future water engineers and public institutions who are likely to recruit them, it sets a framework of actions to “promote public management professions and their meaning to students”, “collaborate on research and development projects”, offer job and internship opportunities, encourage the participation of members of France Eau publique in the life of the Strasbourg school – through their educational interventions, their presence on juries, etc. – and more generally to “exchange good practices”, adds Jean-Marc Willer, director of Engees.


Public management is increasingly attractive

A broader vision

The co-signatories were not unaware of the relevance of these opportunities for dialoguebut they felt that their implementation had to become more significant and systematic in the context of climate change and ecological transition. « The one fundamentally changes the relationship with water and asks us to bring us closer to the university, research and start-ups ” explains Christophe Lime, president of France Eau publique.

“Our jobs have meaning”

The elected official, also vice-president in charge of water and sanitation of the Grand Besançon Métropole urban community (Doubs), sees this upheaval as a opportunity for attractiveness for the public sector in order to capture the “talents” also coveted by private groups. “In our communities, water professions interact with other services in charge of landscaping or urban planning. Coming to us means opening up the prospect of varied functions and an approach in terms of relations with users, in the service of environmental transition. All this gives meaning to our professionsand I think that this speech makes particular sense to young people today,” argues Christophe Lime.

Engees confirms, for its part, its “desire to build relationships with all operators, whatever their status”, recalls its director Jean-Marc Willer. Participation, based on volunteering, in conferences and workshops led by representatives of the public service (Eau de Paris, the Alsace-Moselle Water and Sanitation Union – SDEA, etc.) on the occasion of the signing of the convention demonstrates, according to Jean-Marc Willer, the attention paid to this model: “Around thirty students attended spontaneously, that’s a good audience.”

France Eau publique therefore intends to reproduce such agreements with higher education. and more generally build links with other establishments providing training for operator and technician positions. “We need competent recruits at all qualification levels”points out its president.



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