already convicted, the serial thief at the trailer arrested again by the police

already convicted, the serial thief at the trailer arrested again by the police
already convicted, the serial thief at the trailer arrested again by the police

MISCELLANEOUS FACTS. Arrested in flagrante delicto and convicted in December 2023 for a series of 39 caravan thefts observed in the municipalities of Seichamps and Pulnoy, the accused was arrested again. Wednesday morning, the police handcuffed him for a new series of facts.

Sentenced to 8 months suspended for 39 car thefts committed in less than 48 hours in the municipalities of Seichamps and Pulnoy in December 2023, the young man was arrested again this Wednesday, June 26 for a new series of thefts from vehicles. Still in the same municipalities. More precisely, 34 new acts committed recently in April and May 2024, as opportunities arose, by slamming the doors of parked cars, but also another series of older acts committed with damage between July and August 2023. With this modus operandi, the accused then seized all sorts of valuables: cash, sunglasses, but also bank cards that allowed him to make fraudulent purchases.

Arrested on Wednesday at the family home located in the commune of Seichamps, the 19-year-old suspect was taken into police custody. Faced with incriminating evidence such as video surveillance images implicating him, the young man partially admitted the facts to investigators from the property crime unit. At the end of his police custody, the suspect will be brought before the courts again as part of an immediate appearance scheduled for this Friday, June 28, 2024.



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NEXT Blue confirms the opening, at the end of 2024, of a 2,000 m² data center in Nantes