David Marti: “The Republic is at the foot of the anti-Republic wall… …We will have to maintain national cohesion”

David Marti: “The Republic is at the foot of the anti-Republic wall… …We will have to maintain national cohesion”
David Marti: “The Republic is at the foot of the anti-Republic wall… …We will have to maintain national cohesion”

At the opening of the community council, a few days before the first round of the legislative elections, the President of the Le Creusot – Montceau Urban Community made a solemn declaration.

The councilors of the Le Creusot – Montceau Urban Community were called to meet, this Thursday, June 27, for the last holiday council, at the ALTO in Le Creusot. A session, with sparse participation and a few curiosities. Thus, Lionel Duparay, most often present, was excused, while Marie-Claude Jarrot, the Mayor of Montceau, who is not the most frequent at council meetings, was very present. But it is true that she is the deputy of Deputy Louis Margueritte, candidate, in the legislative elections.
This will not surprise anyone either, Charles Landre, the leader of the opposition to Le Creusot, and also a candidate for the legislative elections, was present. But he is very rarely absent.

It is in this context that David Marti made a very solemn declaration regarding the national context. A statement with strong and chosen words.

David Marti’s opening statement:
“Dear colleagues,
“France is an indivisible, secular, democratic and social Republic. “, it is in these terms that article 1 of our Constitution is formulated.
At a time when our country has entered into major political and institutional instability since the European elections of June 9 and the dissolution of the National Assembly which followed, it seems necessary to recall these few words.
The Republic is up against the wall. At the foot of the anti-Republic wall erected by the anti-Enlightenment: the wall of populism with an extreme right which is at the gates of Matignon. Far from me, the desire to stigmatize an electorate who has lost confidence in the Republic because the reasons are numerous, the deep causes and the political responsibilities founded and real.
We are in a crucial moment in our common history, democracy is wavering and the Nation is fractured, thus posing the risk of division and the rupture of the social pact which unites the French in the common destiny of our country.
Let us be clear, this major instability into which we entered on the evening of the European elections will not stop, unfortunately, on the evening of July 7.
Whatever the result of the legislative elections, the highest probability is that political and institutional instability will weaken our country, both in the conduct of its internal affairs and in its place at the European and international level.
Thus, my dear colleagues, we will have to maintain national cohesion in the territories, as close as possible to the inhabitants.
Indeed, local authorities will, once again, have the pressing need to maintain and re-weave links between French people at all costs.
For this, the elected officials and public agents of our communities will be the architects as always and the public service that we deliver will be the cement.
In an anxious climate and with an uncertain future, the public service will have to provide stability and support as close as possible to residents.
In this context, I know that each of our 34 municipalities will be mobilized and the Urban Community will also be fully at work”



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