three police officers injured following a violent collision with a vehicle traveling at very high speed

three police officers injured following a violent collision with a vehicle traveling at very high speed
three police officers injured following a violent collision with a vehicle traveling at very high speed

Wanted for dangerous driving in the city, a driver ended up colliding with a Cannes municipal police car, then fleeing on foot.

Le Figaro Nice

Three municipal police officers from the city of Cannes (Alpes-Maritimes) were injured, including one seriously, following a violent collision with a vehicle which had been reported a little earlier for dangerous driving on the night of Wednesday in THURSDAY. A police source reports “a rather impressive accident”. “It could have been much more serious”he comments.

The driver, who was driving a Renault Clio, was driving “very brisk pace” and allegedly missed a turn before hitting the municipal police vehicle almost head-on. He allegedly lost control of his trajectory at Avenue Maurice-Chevalier and veered to the left, the direction in which the officers were traveling. After the impact, the front of both cars was completely destroyed.

Escape on foot

A police officer suffered facial trauma with a brief loss of consciousness, we are told. The other two were more lightly affected in the neck, arms and legs. All three were treated by firefighters and then transported to hospital. The airbags in their car were triggered at the time of the impact, which took place around 2:30 a.m.

The suspect managed to get out of his car and flee on foot. He is said to have headed towards the notorious sensitive area of ​​La Frayère. He is still being sought at this time. An investigation has been opened to try to find his whereabouts, particularly using video surveillance footage.



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