A burglary comes to nothing in the 3rd arrondissement of Lyon

A burglary comes to nothing in the 3rd arrondissement of Lyon
A burglary comes to nothing in the 3rd arrondissement of Lyon

On Saturday, June 29, 2024, a 37-year-old man was arrested red-handed for breaking and entering a building on rue Étienne Richerand in Lyon.

On the evening of Saturday, June 29, the police were called for damage to the common areas of a building located on Rue Étienne Richerand. When they arrived, they surprised an individual coming out of an apartment whose door had been broken. The man, who was carrying a suitcase, quickly admitted that he did not live in the building.

Behind him, the ransacked apartment showed significant disorder. When the police tried to control him, the suspect tried to flee by pushing them, he was finally overpowered and arrested, but not without difficulty.

Shortly after, the tenant of the apartment arrived on the scene and immediately accused the individual of the damage. He also identified the suitcase the suspect was carrying as belonging to his roommate. The suitcase’s label and contents confirmed this claim, bringing together numerous items belonging to the roommate. The victims filed a complaint.

The suspect, aged 37 and unfavorably known to the police, was placed in police custody. The investigation revealed that he had attempted to enter other units in the building, causing several damage to the doors. Other residents also filed complaints.

During his hearing, the man admitted the facts. The stolen objects were returned to their owners. He was presented this Monday, July 1, 2024 to the Lyon prosecutor’s office for an immediate appearance.




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