Toulouse: a septuagenarian killed in an nursing home, her roommate arrested

Toulouse: a septuagenarian killed in an nursing home, her roommate arrested
Toulouse: a septuagenarian killed in an nursing home, her roommate arrested

A resident of the Sainte-Monique nursing home in Toulouse was killed last Thursday in her room. The main suspect is another resident, reveals La Dépêche du Midi.

The incident took place on Thursday evening, the local daily reports, in the Alzheimer’s unit of the facility. Staff members discovered the lifeless body of a 77-year-old patient in her room, who appeared to have been beaten and then suffocated.

The suspect suffering from Alzheimer’s

According to initial reports, an unusual noise was heard by employees and residents before discovering the resident’s body. Some claim to have seen a resident, who was the victim’s roommate, come out of the room with a slipper in his hand.

Unknown to the courts and suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, the 77-year-old retiree was questioned by the police the same evening. But, in the midst of his crisis, he was urgently hospitalized and sedated. According to local media, he has not been heard from since, due to his state of health.

A murder investigation

The victim’s autopsy found traces of blows on the face and arms of the septuagenarian, as well as probable asphyxiation. “Murder is the preferred avenue,” confirms the Toulouse public prosecutor’s office, which has opened an investigation for “murder”.

A psychological unit has been set up for residents and employees of the nursing home.



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