Ice hockey: new leaders and six recruits, the Rouen Dragons think about the future

Ice hockey: new leaders and six recruits, the Rouen Dragons think about the future
Ice hockey: new leaders and six recruits, the Rouen Dragons think about the future

Bright suit and big smile, Gaëtan Muller takes the microphone and, soon, follows Thierry Chaix, the president of Rouen Hockey Elite. The year that is opening is a year of tiling, and the leader of ASVEL has repeated it well. He will learn this year from those who have run the club for almost thirty years. “I don’t come here saying that we are going to become the best in Europe, explains Gaëtan Muller. You have to take things one by one. I arrive with ambition, but with humility. The level, already in France, is increasing. We must perpetuate the club at a high level, continue to last at the national level and to make it grow, not just on the sporting side. It is a global project to build.”

Among the potential subjects to grow the club: the project of a new ice rink. Gaëtan Muller does not wish to talk about it in detail, nor to advance on the subject, but admits that it is a subject and that reflection must be carried out.

“I’m not too worried”

Guy Fournier, too, will leave his post and be replaced by Marc-André Thinel. “This will bring new blood, indicates the former Dragons player. Gaëtan is a pro, he will bring other things that we didn’t haveit’s going to be great, I’m not too worried.”

While waiting for the start of this new era, the Dragons have therefore formalized six recruits, who join the two who had already been formalized: the new starting goalkeeper will be Oskari Setanen. He will have the difficult task of succeeding Matija Pintaric. “We had a lot of applications, specifies Marc-André Thinel. It is true that the coach, Fabrice Lhenry, has followed this case particularly closely, because he is a former goalkeeper, and Many people recommended Setanen to us. He wanted a change of scenery, he will have to adapt, but we are very enthusiastic.”

Defenders Alexander Lindelof and Juho Tommila as well as attackers Robin Colomban, Jared Dmytriw and Sebastian Bengtsson also join the team.



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