For those who have eyes and brains, the start of systemic change with the new Power in Senegal has had a positive effect on the population.

Things are clear. On one side there are the majority optimists, who welcome the first courageous decisions to break away, and on the other side there are the minority, the charlatans who predict with the help of a crystal ball that failure is imminent. Let us content ourselves with examining and revisiting the first sequences of the actions of Mr. Bassirou Diomaye Faye, President of the Republic, after 80 days of exercise of Power.

1. There is no shadow of a doubt that the composition of the Government was made in an objective and balanced manner with the appointment of people whose profile perfectly suits the function. The Ministries of Sovereignty which are the Armed Forces, the Interior and Public Security and Justice have been entrusted to experienced, rigorous apolitical dignitaries with a glorious past.

2. The diplomatic policy of proximity deployed since the installation of the new Power by visiting neighboring countries is a strong signal of Senegal’s anchoring in Pan-Africanism. It was no longer necessary to ostracize neighboring States, but rather to work on their reintegration into all sub-regional bodies and to register them once again in the concert of African nations by letting them carry out their reforms and their policies.

3. The land situation in Senegal had become inextricable, alarming, like a pandemic across the entire territory causing serious land disputes that could lead to population revolt. It is therefore fortunate and salutary that the central State wants to defuse a social bomb which was going to weaken national cohesion. The cancellation of the sharing of ”Bouki” over the immense area of ​​Mbour 4 in Thies and its allocation for national real estate projects is a source of general satisfaction. The same goes for the scandals at Léopold Sédar Senghor Airport, the casuarina gang in Guédiawaye, without forgetting the audit on the sale of state built heritage.

4. In very acute financial difficulties for years, the peasant world was in great distress, bordering on agony. Thanks to the diligence of the State, the disaster was narrowly avoided with the payment of several years of arrears. With this strong gesture, the State has assumed its responsibility to save this agricultural season.

5. The publication of the reports of the control bodies revealed very poor governance, linked to endemic corruption which prevailed over a very long period in Senegal. The Senegalese were stunned as our meager resources were robbed and pillaged. There were so many financial orgies that the social spring of trust between the old Power and the people was broken, leading to this strong feeling of rejection towards the traditional political class.

6. The holding of the National Dialogue, dedicated to the Conference on the Reform and Modernization of Justice, will allow the improvement of the Senegalese judicial system, which for several years has been disrupted, undermining our democratic model. Certainly, the Conclusions of this societal dialogue will reconcile the Senegalese with their Justice.

7. The recent citizen actions with the Set-Setal have been massively followed by the populations who want a better living environment, thus demonstrating its total support for any patriotic call from the State Authorities. It is a close relationship that the State must encourage among this wonderful youth, enthusiastic and committed to the path of national recovery. And the State must vigilantly ensure that a Casus Belli does not arise between the different generations for a good and peaceful transmission of the ‘witness’ stick.

8. The remarkable and noted reduction in the security system in Dakar was well appreciated by the populations who have been traumatized for years by the untimely and invasive presence of the Security and Defense Forces. The State sold fear to Senegalese citizens who found themselves in a harmful and distressing environment. Today we are also witnessing frugal management of the State, with protocolary sobriety in the travel of the President of the Republic and members of the Government.

9. The various measures taken by the Government for the transport of pilgrims to Mecca, and the movement of Senegalese people in the regions on the occasion of Tabaski were positively appreciated by the populations, as well as the management of the supply of sheep and foodstuffs to the market.

10. The new and great desire of the State for transparency in the management of our natural resources with the sending of a strong ministerial delegation to the gold mining region of Kédougou gives hope to the populations for a better future.

11. The solemn commitment of Mr. President of the Republic Bassirou Diomaye Faye with the start of oil production in Sangomar has amplified the belief that Senegal has entered a new era of growth and development.

12. The salutary decision to revisit contracts and conventions unfavorable to Senegal is to be magnified in more than one way. It will help restore equity in the sharing of wealth produced from our natural resources. To say, our fisheries resources, our phosphates, our gold, our oil, our gas, our zircon, our lithium and others must serve as an advantage to the people who are their custodians and owners.

In a post on the Facebook page of the Convention des Dakarois on May 23, 2023, we wrote: “It also seems important to us that the State of Senegal must have greater confidence and empathy towards its private sector. There is a complex and a clear immorality in the awarding of certain large-scale works contracts to foreign companies, while expertise and qualified human resources are not lacking in Senegal.

The Senegalese private sector is equipped to carry out all technical and financial engineering. There is interpersonal skills, having a significant relational portfolio throughout the world to find technical and financial partners of reference. Unfortunately the State is not listening to them, preferring to deal and negotiate in dismal offices with those who were initiated and informed of the projects. These insider dealings give rise to corruption, extortion and overcharging.

In all truly sovereign countries, there is positive discrimination to protect and support its private sector. » How can we understand that a simple development of the West Corniche of Dakar is entrusted to a foreign company, when Senegal is full of landscape architects and environmentalists? The State must understand that poverty cannot be shared and that it must create wealth which would benefit the Senegalese Nation by increasing purchasing power. The State must release the immense innovative energies of young Senegalese whose genius and talent are recognized. The economic renewal of Senegal will undoubtedly involve the endogenization of efficient agriculture, backed by a processing and product valorization industry.

How can we understand that Senegal, a major producer of peanuts, cannot produce peanut oil, despite its various industrial units which simply need to be rehabilitated (SONACOS)?

How can we understand that there is no tannery in Senegal for processing skins and leathers, when we produce a lot of them during religious festivals (Tabaski, Magal, Gamou, etc.)?

Other examples can be cited at will, as the potential is enormous. It is this paradox to be reversed that we must welcome the narrative of the Government’s vision which is based on an integral endogenization of the primary sector, namely Agriculture, Livestock and Fishing, without forgetting Crafts. The State, now under the rule of the new Authorities, will have to demonstrate tenacity and firmness. Faced with interest groups, the weight of habits and acquired rights, it takes real political courage to reform in depth.

The Government of Senegal must continue and intensify its efforts with determination to undertake bold and visionary initiatives that would invite Senegalese youth, the standard bearer of the Nation, to take ownership of the PROJECT. For Agriculture, the mother of battles, it will be a question of having a relevant strategy by concentrating resources on priority sectors (rice, corn, millet, peanuts), and finally resolving the problem of the conservation of horticultural products in case of abundance of production. This is not the time to entertain ourselves about wheat production in Senegal, even if it is possible.

Let us first strengthen and develop the promising sectors for the rebalancing of our balance of payments, and encourage the Senegalese to consume bread made from wheat and millet. It is redundant to emphasize this. All the levers are in place, all that is needed is the will to activate them firmly. In all areas, the national private sector is able to offer comprehensive support that includes the upstream phase (design, studies, financing, and executions).

The Senegalese authorities must take up the challenge of building trust with the national private sector which must be the engine of growth, creating wealth. Certainly, since its installation, the Government has operated with firewalls because emergencies arise everywhere, taking into account the great impatience of the populations.

However, foresight and reactivity are needed when opportunities arise to lay the foundations for economic reforms. With all the good will of the Government, Senegal will not develop without an inclusive approach to all its children. In a few years, a meeting will be eagerly awaited to concretely assess the fulfillment of the commitments made by the Diomaye-Sonko couple. There will be less questions of promises than of observations.

Babacar Louis CAMARA
Former Captain of the Senegal National Football Team
President of the Dakarois Convention



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