Interview. Legislative elections in Alençon-Domfront: four questions for Chantal Jourdan

Interview. Legislative elections in Alençon-Domfront: four questions for Chantal Jourdan
Interview. Legislative elections in Alençon-Domfront: four questions for Chantal Jourdan


Alençon Editorial

Published on

June 27, 2024 at 3:04 p.m.

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Chantal Jourdan is the socialist deputy outgoing and the candidate of the New Popular Front in the first constituency of Orne (Alençon-Domfront).

Before the first round of legislative elections anticipated, Sunday June 30, 2024the editorial staff of L’Orne Hebdo asked four questions to eight candidates declared.

Chantal Jourdan: “ensure that our hospitals and schools are well funded”

Among them, six responded: Chantal Jourdan (New Popular Front), Didier Durandy (Rural Movement), Manuela Chevalier (Centre-Right), Patricia Chapelotte (Renaissance), David Géniteau (Debout la France) and Daniel Lecomte (Reconquête ). Nadine Belzidsky (National Rally) and Camille Perchet (Lutte Ouvrière) are therefore missing.

Here are the answers from the candidate invested by the New Popular Front.

L’Orne Hebdo: If you are elected, what is the first measure that you will bring to Parliament?

Chantal Jourdan: The first measures that I would like to bring to the National Assembly would make it possible to increase the purchasing power of Ornais people. Concretely, an increase in the minimum wage will be proposed to bring it to €1,600.

Furthermore, in line with what was proposed by the socialist group and related to the previous mandate, reducing energy bills will remain a priority. These measures will aim to ease the financial burden on families and improve their quality of life.

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At the same time, I will work to adjust the amount of corporate social security contributions: small businesses will benefit from reductions, while multinationals will pay more. This measure will notably favor the local economy by establishing a more equitable system.

I will also propose measures for fair remuneration for farmers, the repeal of the pension reform and taking into account arduousness.

L’Orne Hebdo: What is the priority for improving the daily lives of people in Orne?

Chantal Jourdan: The priority is to ensure equitable access to essential public services, such as health, education and transport. Thus, I will continue the work started within the working group aimed at combating medical desertification. This group bringing together deputies from all political stripes proposes in particular the regulation of the installation of doctors. Re-elected, I will fight to ensure that this measure is finally put in place.

More broadly, we need to ensure our hospitals and schools are well-funded, accessible, and we also need to improve transport infrastructure to reduce the isolation of rural areas. This includes the development of the public transport network and more particularly the railway which absolutely must be strengthened in our department.

L’Orne Hebdo: How would you define the current political climate in France?

Chantal Jourdan: It is very alarming, especially given the results of the latest elections. This situation reflects growing frustration and concern among the population.

It is imperative to respond to these concerns by proposing concrete solutions, by giving voice to all those who are despised in the political debate. We do not believe in false solutions. We must work together to restore confidence in our institutions and promote a more just and united society, thus promoting living together.

L’Orne Hebdo: In the hemicycle, will you follow the voting instructions of your parliamentary group or are you ready to vote differently?

Chantal Jourdan: The socialist and related group in which I sat offers freedom of vote, so I am in control of each of my decisions.

Furthermore, I would like to point out that I fully supported the line taken by this group during the previous mandate. Indeed, the democratic functioning that reigns there is based above all on dialogue to determine constructed positions supported by scientific facts and for the general interest.

The first constituency of Orne brings together the three cantons of Alençon, that of Carrouges, Courtomer, Domfront, La Ferté-Macé, Juvigny-sous-Andaine, Le Mêle-sur-Sarthe, Passais and Sées. The first round of the legislative elections will take place on Sunday June 30. The second is scheduled for Sunday July 7.

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