Former refinery, the rehabilitation of the site is progressing well

Former refinery, the rehabilitation of the site is progressing well
Former refinery, the rehabilitation of the site is progressing well

Since the start of rehabilitation work on the site of the former Mobil refinery, in August 2022, Esso SAF, in charge of the site, provides an annual progress update through a public meeting. This was once again the case on Tuesday June 18 in the courtyard of Lepap Maurice-Clavel, very close to the site.

In summary, ” work is going well », commented the site manager, Hervé De Gréef. “ We are approximately half, in accordance with the provisional schedule”.

In detail, the entire southern part of the site (hydrocarbon depot side) has been treated. It now houses the storage tent for the extracted and sorted earth, to which the treatment plant for water pumped into the excavation will be added during the summer.

The huge inflatable tent was moved for the seventh time on April 30, 2024 and will be moved again soon.

On the north side, the rehabilitation work has been completed and the land has been returned to the city which has started work to install the footbridge which will soon span the Rhône canal in Sète to reach the cultural center in particular.

The meeting gave rise to discussions with the public, particularly regarding residual odors identified by local residents from trucks transporting impacted land. The odor neutralization devices implemented remain necessary to try to limit olfactory discomfort as best as possible.



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