Legislative elections 2024. The priorities of the candidates for the second constituency of Calvados

Legislative elections 2024. The priorities of the candidates for the second constituency of Calvados
Legislative elections 2024. The priorities of the candidates for the second constituency of Calvados


Matthew Druet

Published on

June 27, 2024 at 11:49 a.m.

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The first round of legislative elections takes place this Sunday June 30, 2024. The editorial staff of Liberté Caen asked three questions to each of the candidates. “Once elected, what is your priority subject for France? » ; “What bill can result from this in the National Assembly? » ; “How could it be financed? “.

After the answers from the candidates of the first constituency, here are the answers from the candidates of the second constituency of Calvados.

Grégory Berkovicz, Together for the Republic!

Grégory Berkovicz, candidate “Together for the Republic!” » on the 2nd constituency of Calvados ©DR

“Today, the priorities of our fellow citizens are social justice and republican order. This covers many issues: employment, purchasing power, health, education, regional planning, inclusion, housing, security, immigration…

On all these essential subjects, I think that one of the fundamental problems of our country is its hypercentralization: everything concerning the lives of the French is decided or controlled in Paris, while the solutions are different depending on our territories.

Our leaders have failed for too long to concretely resolve our problems, because they act too far from the reality of the territories. The patchwork of our national and local institutions has become incomprehensible and ineffective. Citizens get lost and feel abandoned. Local elected officials feel powerless despite their good will.

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This is why my first measure as future deputy for the 2nd district will be a proposal for profound reform of decentralization. The Head of State, aware of this difficulty, opened the way and requested several parliamentary reports on this subject. He knows that the proposed measures are not ambitious enough. I have been working for a long time with Minister Dominique Faure on these subjects within the Radical Party.

My first bill will therefore aim to reform territorial institutions and their powers, in the direction of simplification and greater financial autonomy and decision-making for communities. It will also consist of the adoption of the principle of differentiation between the territories concerned, the solutions in Normandy not necessarily having to be the same as in Île-de-France. It will also provide for the contractualization of public policies.

This reform will not generate any additional costs on the State budget, but on the contrary will make it possible to find the budgetary savings necessary for a budgetary and fiscal transfer to communities, thanks to the overhaul of administrations. The State will thus ensure a better distribution of wealth between territories. »

Christophe Garcia, Workers’ Struggle

Christophe Garcia ©DR

“When we talk about France, what are we talking about? Of these great bourgeois who flaunt their insolent fortunes? From the CEO of Stellantis with his €100,000 per day? Shareholders with their 50 million euros per day? The common interest of the French does not exist, there are the bosses on one side, and the workers on the other. And the latter must defend their jobs, their salaries, their right to retirement. It’s the workers who make everything work, and they should always be sacrificing? They would have to accept that useful services, hospitals, schools, are always managed economically, and sacrificed in the long term, so that the billions of the State can shower the industrialists, who gorge themselves on subsidies for n any pretext?

If workers find their way back to collective mobilization, by fighting for their interests, they will also fight for the interests of the whole of society. Because they do not exploit anyone, and they are in all companies, including the largest, sometimes in thousands: then they can take control, and replace this crazy economy with an economy managed for the collective interest, respectful of the environment as well as other social necessities.

I will not make an electoral promise: the promises will all be forgotten by the evening of July 7. The parties that say they are ready to govern are all politicians serving the bourgeoisie, as always. Indeed, Macron and his candidates are hated by the working classes and they deserve it. But those who hope for a change in Bardella are seriously mistaken: he is like the others, his promises to the popular classes are already changing overnight, even though he is not even elected. He presents himself as anti-system but he is fully in it. With a worse side, because by attacking immigrants, he wants to divide us. Opposite, the Popular Front is also a political alliance. All you have to do is see: they are presenting François Hollande in a constituency!

So don’t vote for these politicians, vote for someone like you, for a worker, for someone who can denounce all pro-employer measures, all decisions that worsen exploitation or that bring us closer to war. »

Arthur Delaporte, New Popular Front

Arthur Delaporte. ©DR

“While the country holds its breath, experiencing a political, economic, social and ecological crisis, the new assembly will have to find the path to appeasement and unity. With the socialist deputies, from the popular front, and with all the republicans who are involved, I will work to restore harmony.

My priority subject will obviously be the restoration of purchasing power and the power to live with dignity. For seven years, housing, food and energy have been soaring. Meanwhile, low salaries and small pensions are stagnating… Let’s revalue them, it’s an absolute emergency. How many retirees have I come across in recent days who have to combine their meager pensions with work, how many poor workers who can no longer get by?

Rather à la carte bonuses at the discretion of the employer, what Emmanuel Macron proposes, rather than exempting employers from contributions, the clientelist promise of the RN and deadweight loss to finance our social model, we propose to block the prices of goods of basic necessity on a temporary basis, to revalue the minimum wage and the index point of civil servants.

Since Emmanuel Macron has been in power, no less than fifty billion euros have been offered each year to the largest companies and the richest. Let’s change the paradigm. VSEs and SMEs will benefit from a tax credit to ensure the increase in the minimum wage. By restoring the wealth tax and fairer taxation (taxation of super profits, taxation of financial transactions), we will finance emergency measures for purchasing power: cancellation of tax increases on electricity and gas , massive investments in public services (hospitals, schools, etc.) and in the ecological transition which allows spending less on heating (insulation of housing and public buildings, etc.).

The power of French women and men to live is my priority.”

Cédric Bazincourt, Standing up France

Cédric Bazincourt ©DR

“My decision is based on a clear and unequivocal desire to block, on the one hand, Emmanuel Macron and his strategy of destruction of France and, on the other hand, to fight against the rise of this curious alliance of the left and extreme left. In other words, I position myself as an alternative between the “extreme center” which advocates globalism and frenzied Europeanism and the extreme left and the decadent left.

On a human level, I can no longer bear to see the suffering in the eyes and the testimonies of my relatives, friends, neighbors and all these strangers that I meet every day. Suffering, in whole or in part, the same ills, I am better able to understand it. There are so many urgent measures to take: employment, purchasing power, health, justice, school, freedom to say, do and undertake, security both on our streets and in front of our homes and inside. of our buildings. For some residents, it has become hell! To save France, we must first save the French.

Even within this National Alliance (RN, LR (Ciotti), DLF and others), I will defend the values ​​of my party derived from Gaullist teaching, I will continue to put Humans at the center of everything.

On another level, the animal condition remains a very important subject. Loving animals is, perhaps, loving yourself?

In all circumstances I will remain a social and humanist Gaullist, always keeping in mind that I am a human being like the others with the same joys but also the same sorrows”.

Camille Brou-Vernet, Various right

Caen – Camille Brou-Vernet – 2024 legislative elections ©Photo provided by Camille Brou-Vernet

“Give back to our country the ability to project itself into the future, restore a peaceful collective destiny, regain national cohesion and unity, reconnect with a strong economy. All this happens above all through education and culture. Education, teaching, access to culture will be my priorities. Putting school back at the center of our social project means allowing our children to understand the world in which they live, to understand the major social, economic and environmental issues of our time. It is fighting against inequalities, violence, communitarianism. School must once again become a social elevator, a place of possibilities that releases everyone’s potential, a place of sharing and development.

My first legislative proposals will therefore focus on a financial revaluation of the teaching profession, greater autonomy in the programs and in pedagogy to allow teaching teams to propose innovative projects, a strengthening of fundamental learning, a greater place given to foreign languages, the removal of additional courses.

These projects do not necessarily require additional public funding. It is more about reorganizing, giving more flexibility and freedom to teachers, administrations and establishments. »

Josseline Lebanon, National Rally

National Rally candidate Josseline Lebanon did not wish to respond to our numerous requests.

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