The last post office in the 1st arrondissement will close its doors this summer

The last post office in the 1st arrondissement will close its doors this summer
The last post office in the 1st arrondissement will close its doors this summer

The last general post office located in the 1st arrondissement of Lyon must close its doors by August 31. In total, four post offices have closed since 2020 in the city.

Send a letter or receive a registered letter? This will soon no longer be possible in the 1st arrondissement of Lyon. The last general post office located in Terreaux must close by August 31.

To oppose this, a mobilization took place on Wednesday June 26, in front of the post office. “It’s not great. We don’t have many local offices in the area. There is a small one, but it’s reserved for professionals and it’s always crowded. So, there, next door, it’s good, it frees up space,” assures Simon, 37 years old.

“I don’t know why, it’s going to close. Is it going to be replaced by another? Of course we have to have post offices not very far from where we live or where we work” , adds Matthieu, 39, for his part.

Four post offices closed since 2020

However, replacing this office is not on the agenda for La Poste. She plans to maintain a professional space in the area, but other customers will have to travel to the 2nd or 4th arrondissement.

Since 2020, four post offices have already closed in Lyon, including the small Trion post office on Saturday March 16 in the Saint-Just district in the 5th arrondissement of Lyon. And four others will do the same this year, according to the public services users committee of Croix-Rousse.

“Instead of responding to the needs of users and the general interest, we have a practice which consists of breaking public service. It doesn’t care that people will spend time waiting,” declares Lucien Angeletti, co-president of the committee.

“It’s getting more and more complex.”

For Josie, a 78-year-old retiree, this closure is above all a symbol of seeing all local services disappear in favor of digital technology. “It’s still more pleasant to come to a place than to do all that over the Internet,” explains this member of the Croix-Rousse public services users’ committee.

She adds: “I’m starting to no longer know how to do the manipulations that are necessary. It’s becoming more and more complex, it’s unbearable. Everything is done so that people no longer communicate with each other.”

When contacted, La Poste did not wish to respond out of a duty of confidentiality.

Romain Ethuin and Solenne Bertrand

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