Lionel Peluhet presents his objectives

Lionel Peluhet presents his objectives
Lionel Peluhet presents his objectives

Lionel Peluhet, new owner of Limoges CSP, presented his project for the club during a press conference on July 1, surrounded by part of his board of directors. The main shareholder wishes to pursue an ambitious policy, after having taken the time to ensure that all its partners follow its project.

For the love of Limoges CSP, for its longevity in the basketball elite” This is the slogan of Lionel Peluhet, the new majority shareholder of Limoges CSP which developed its action plan during a press conference on 1is July. This policy is ultimately close to the one he uses in his business: “a lot of humility, but also a lot of ambition”.

I manage my businesses like a good father and the CSP must not escape this, confides this manager of around thirty companies. But the big difference with these companies is that it belongs to everyone. And if it belongs to everyone, you have to put a little water in the house, otherwise it’s difficult to manage.”

The CSP is an institution, we must start from the principle that everyone takes ownership of it. The communities who invest time and money, the private partners, essential to the club’s economic model, and obviously the supporters, who symbolize the ambition and joy around the club.

Lionel Peluhet

main shareholder of Limoges CSP

Another managerial approach: hurry slowly. A consulting firm will work within the club until September and certain positions, such as that of general manager – Pierre Fargeaud is back there, but on an interim basis – or commercial director, have not yet been recruited. More than 300 former or current partners will be invited this Thursday to make their positions known.

“We’re going to sit around the table, with people I didn’t know, but who are recognized, knowledgeable and invested in basketball in Limoges. I interviewed them to get an opinion, explains Lionel Peluhet.

© Cecile Decubes – France 3 Limousin

We’re going to sit around the table with people I didn’t know, but who are recognized, knowledgeable and invested in basketball in Limoges. I asked them to form an opinion, explains Lionel Peluhet. It feels like we are wasting time, but we are gaining a lot of it. I want all schools of thought to be in favour of the CSP and give it stability..”

We must build solid foundations in order to then be able to develop. And above all, we must not give in to emotions, generate fragility, instability. We must move forward calmly, stone by stone, and take the time to build.

Xavier Bonnafy

deputy executive president of Limoges CSP

On the field, Crawford Palmer will have to be smart, but with fewer resources. Lang, Chassang, Beaufort are expected to stay, or even extend their contracts, and a Finnish assistant coach, Mikko Larkas, has just been appointed.

Lionel Peluhet wants to open a three-year cycle. If all goes well at the end of this one, the longevity in the elite could become an ascension again.



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