A new solution against female incontinence proposed at the Roanne hospital

A new solution against female incontinence proposed at the Roanne hospital
A new solution against female incontinence proposed at the Roanne hospital

72% of women over 40 suffer from stress urinary incontinence. Recently, the Roanne hospital has offered a new, non-invasive treatment, via the injection of a gel.

Slightly difficult or very rapid childbirth, being overweight, smoking or even intensive physical activity, without forgetting certain personal predispositions linked to less elastic tissues… Several risk factors can explain the occurrence of stress urinary incontinence and pelvic floor disorders in women.

An additional alternative

Situations monitored by the Roanne hospital center, which offers patients, sometimes seriously handicapped in their daily lives, different therapeutic solutions. The first: perineal rehabilitation and weight loss.

But in the event of insufficient results, other choices can be offered such as suburetal prosthetic slings considered as “the first surgical option due to an excellent efficiency rate (around 90% cure)”. “However, given the risk of complications inherent to all surgeries and the controversies over the installation of a prosthesis made of synthetic material, other alternatives must be offered to women,” explains the hospital center.The team from the gynecology-obstetrics department, during the presentation of two new care offers at the hospital center.

Access to hysteroscopy procedures is now easier for women in the Roan region.

Since last March, the gynecology department has also submitted another avenue, the use of “urethral fillers”, a technique developed since 2006 but until then unavailable here. The principle is the injection of a hydrogel into the submucosa (namely the wall of the urethra), non-toxic and non-absorbable. A type of gel used in cosmetic surgery for around twenty years. Four injections are given under the bladder neck, with this practice. This brief procedure, lasting 10 to 20 minutes, performed under a little general anesthesia, requires brief hospitalization in an outpatient surgery unit.

“The big advantage is that it does not require an incision or opening, with little or no risk of complications.”

Stéphanie Cognet (Surgeon-gynecologist)

The hospital team sees in this “effective and durable technique” “a perfect non-invasive alternative for patients with persistence or recurrence of incontinence, with failure of perineal rehabilitation, or after a sling”.

After checking normal urination postoperatively, the patient is allowed to return home, the doctors specify. The patient can then resume her personal, professional and sexual activities without delay. As for the pain, it would be almost non-existent. This technique can be offered to young and old women alike. This practice makes it possible to reduce urinary leakage by at least 70% and “improves quality of life”, emphasize the doctors.

“It’s day and night, I live again”
Angeline, 32, benefited from this treatment a little over a month ago at Roanne hospital. “After two very rapid deliveries, my perineum took a hit and I found myself leaking. To the alternative of applying strips – requiring four weeks of downtime – I preferred the gel and I do not regret it”, analyzes the young woman who speaks of a “quick, painless” procedure and ” with a very satisfactory result. It really is day and night. No more period panties, I can wear normal lingerie again. I live again,” she sums up.
Same satisfaction from Christelle, 49 years old, also treated via this new protocol. Childbirth, physical activity… Several reasons combined and led to stress incontinence in this patient. “I was offered this new technique and I accepted immediately,” says Christelle, highlighting immediate results” and “a clear improvement in daily life of around 90%. Afterwards, you have to see the effects over time but in any case, I would recommend this protocol without any problem.”



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