Interview. Legislative elections in Alençon-Domfront: four questions for Patricia Chapelotte

Interview. Legislative elections in Alençon-Domfront: four questions for Patricia Chapelotte
Interview. Legislative elections in Alençon-Domfront: four questions for Patricia Chapelotte


Editorial Alençon

Published on

June 27, 2024 at 9:04 a.m.

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Patricia Chapelotte is the Renaissance candidate (presidential majority) in the first constituency of Orne (Alençon-Domfront).

Before the first round of legislative elections anticipated, Sunday June 30, 2024the editorial staff of L’Orne Hebdo asked four questions to eight declared candidates.

Patricia Chapelotte: “offering a dignified life to our seniors”

Among them, six responded: Patricia Chapelotte (Renaissance), Chantal Jourdan (New Popular Front), Manuela Chevalier (Centre-Right), David Géniteau (Debout la France), Didier Durandy (Rural Movement) and Daniel Lecomte (Reconquête ).

Nadine Belzidsky (National Rally) and Camille Perchet (Lutte Ouvrière) are therefore missing.

Here are the answers from the Macron camp candidate.

L’Orne Hebdo: If you are elected, what is the first measure you will take to Parliament?

Patricia Chapelotte : What touches me in this campaign is the distress of retirees who have worked all their lives and who cannot get by with small pensions which decrease every time prices increase.

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As soon as I arrive at the National Assembly, I would like to pay very simple and very concrete attention to the indexation of retirement pensions to inflation. This does not require changing the law but ensuring that this measure is not removed when the Social Security budget is voted on, during the budgetary debates. We must offer a dignified life to our elders.

L’Orne Hebdo: What is the priority for improving the daily lives of people in Orne?

Patricia Chapelotte : The people of Ornais have the feeling of being downgraded, of not being recognized. For me, the priority is to have a better and more peaceful life.

This is based on two pillars: purchasing power and security. A priority: to fight to lower the price of energy, necessary for families and for businesses which have seen their bills skyrocket. You have to operate on two legs.

Concretely, this means the construction of 14 new nuclear reactors and taking advantage of all renewable energies, such as methanization, which is very developed in our department.

Living in peace is essential. It is therefore necessary to strengthen authority in the cities and countryside. The planning and orientation law of the Ministry of the Interior, which increases its budget by 15 billion euros over the next five years, has made it possible to increase the number of police officers on the ground, important for fight, particularly in Alençon, against drug trafficking. The law also provides for the creation of two new gendarmes in the department by 2027, including one in Sées.

L’Orne Hebdo: How would you define the current political climate in France?

Patricia Chapelotte : It is very anxiety-inducing for the French, especially for the middle classes who feel abandoned. Here, in Orne, we talk a lot about social inequalities and I understand it.

Fear is taking hold in our country with the possible arrival of extremes in power, whether left or right. Messrs. Bardella and Mélenchon threaten the republican order and the values ​​of the Republic. Their project will lead the French into tax increases. The French will not see pensions increase to 60 years old.

The minimum wage of €1,600 net is an untenable promise, particularly for our traders and craftsmen, who are already often struggling. With Renaissance, our party, I joined the resistance to save our country from chaos and preserve its international image. I do not want to experience the downgrading of France for future generations.

L’Orne Hebdo: In the hemicycle, will you follow the voting instructions of your parliamentary group or are you ready to vote differently?

Patricia Chapelotte : Belonging to a parliamentary group is a commitment to values. It is also a compass for understanding the major decisions to be taken for our country. But it is also a place for exchanges and debates.

I could ardently defend choices that are close to my heart, particularly in the interests of the Ornais without renouncing my commitments. On the ground, I will listen, in Paris, I will speak.

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