Footbridge on the RN165, entertainment at the port, “ochre” sea in Arzon… Hello Vannes!

Warmth and smiling sun for Saint-Fernand’s Day

We promise, we won’t be singing Brassens to you to celebrate Fernand and Fernande this Thursday… But here’s a little saying in keeping with today’s weather: “Saint-Fernand’s Day time, warmth and sunny sunshine”! Indeed, the cloudy veil this Thursday morning will give way to an increasingly bright sky. The sun will still be generous this afternoon and will push the thermometer up to 25°C. [La météo à Vannes aujourd’hui et demain]

(The Weather Channel)

A look back at the spectacular installation of the bicycle-pedestrian bridge over the RN165

The bicycle-pedestrian bridge which spans the RN165, route from Sainte-Anne to Vannes, was installed during the night from Tuesday to Wednesday. A project that was both titanic and meticulous to adjust, down to the millimeter, the 20-ton, 43-meter-long structure. [Nos plus belles photos et la vidéo de ces impressionnantes manœuvres]

The 43-metre-long footbridge will be placed on two concrete pillars on each side. These pillars are sunk to a depth of more than 4 metres. (Vincent Le Guern)

Activities around Ultra Marine start this Thursday at the port of Vannes

This Thursday is the start of the 19th edition of the Ultra Marin which will bring together more than 10,000 runners for three days. At the same time, the organization offers numerous activities to the general public. [Demandez le programme des animations !]

The Ultra Marin brings together thousands of families, and while one runs, supporters can enjoy the entertainment.
The Ultra Marin brings together thousands of families, and while one runs, supporters can enjoy the entertainment. (Le Télégramme/Anne Paulou)

In Arzon, the color of the sea questions the bathers of Kerjouanno beach

“In 40 years of swimming here, I have never seen this! “. This resident of Arzon, in a second home, was alarmed on Tuesday by the appearance of the sea, in Kerjouanno. She describes “ochre-colored water full of fine, slimy, smelly green algae. It was mind-blowing.” Ifremer explains that it is probably “phytoplankton”.



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