David Guetta Surprised He Wasn’t Called for the Opening Ceremony

David Guetta Surprised He Wasn’t Called for the Opening Ceremony
David Guetta Surprised He Wasn’t Called for the Opening Ceremony

French DJ David Guetta expressed his astonishment at not having been approached to participate in the opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

David Guetta would have liked to perform at the opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris. But the French DJ claims not to have been contacted, which surprises him. “If you have the answer you will give it to me. Because I didn’t understand at all,” he commented before performing in concert at the prestigious Château de Chambord on Saturday June 29.

“Worldwide, I am still between the 4th and 15th most listened to artist in the world, not DJ artist,” David Guetta, 56, told an AFP correspondent before his performance.

“To give you an idea, Beyoncé must be 40th or 50th. But no one called me. And yet I am French and I love France. That’s how it is!”

Only around ten people know the exact scenario of the spectacle of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, which will take place on July 26. The event, which is scheduled to last 3 hours 45 minutes and start at 7:30 p.m., intends to “break the codes” by being held outside a stadium for the first time, according to the Games Organizing Committee.

The ceremony’s soundtrack includes creations by musical director Victor Le Masne, mixing pop, symphony orchestra, choirs and electro loops typical of the “French Touch”. It will also draw on “other registers”, according to its designer Thomas Jolly, who is not revealing anything but for whom “France is Jul, Edith Piaf and Nathalie Dessay”.

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