Hollande deplores a “fallacious presentation” of the New Popular Front

Hollande deplores a “fallacious presentation” of the New Popular Front
Hollande deplores a “fallacious presentation” of the New Popular Front

The former President of the Republic is a candidate under the label of the New Popular Front in the 1st constituency of Corrèze.

François Hollande assures him: “this is not the return of Nupes”. Guest of BFMTV this Wednesday, June 26, the former head of state believes that “presenting the New Popular Front as the replica of the Nupes (the previous left-wing alliance for the 2022 legislative elections, Editor’s note) is a fallacious presentation”.

“This is not the return of Nupes,” he says.

“Not the same leader”

In the outgoing Assembly, La France insoumise was the majority group on the left, with 75 deputies, compared to barely thirty for the socialists and around twenty each for the communists and ecologists. This time, at the end of the vote, “there will not be 30 socialist deputies at the end of the course, there will be 80 or perhaps 100”, estimates François Hollande. In addition, he affirms that the program of this new alliance of the left with a view to the early legislative elections is not the same as that of Nupes in 2022.

“And I point out that it is not the same leader, it is not Jean-Luc Mélenchon,” adds the one who is a candidate in Corrèze, believing that the rebellious “is not recognized as the one who must govern the country.

In the event of his camp’s victory in the legislative elections, François Hollande hopes that the Prime Minister will be “a personality who can build consensus”.

“I don’t make an equivalence”

According to him, “only the coming together of the left can be a bulwark” against the far right. Refusing to make an “equivalence” between France Insoumise and the Rally, François Hollande calls to vote for the candidates of the New Popular Front, “whatever your reluctance, whatever your reservations”.

While former ministers of his government like Bernard Cazeneuve and Manuel Valls refused to call for voting for the New Popular Front in the event of a duel against the National Rally, François Hollande declares that “they are wrong”.

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