Samuel Dylbaitys, “a man of challenges” at the head of the Peyrehorade forwards

Samuel Dylbaitys, “a man of challenges” at the head of the Peyrehorade forwards
Samuel Dylbaitys, “a man of challenges” at the head of the Peyrehorade forwards

Peyrehorade holds his coaching duo. The Landes club could already count on Sébastien Jaca, in charge of the back lines, arriving in the fall of 2022. It remained to settle the succession of Olivier August, who had announced early in the season that he was going to join the management full-time from US Dax. The choice, supported by Sébastien Jaca, fell on…

Peyrehorade holds his coaching duo. The Landes club could already count on Sébastien Jaca, in charge of the back lines, arriving in the fall of 2022. It remained to settle the succession of Olivier August, who had announced early in the season that he was going to join the management full-time from US Dax. The choice, supported by Sébastien Jaca, fell on Samuel Dylbaitys, 43 years old, who spent most of his career at BTS (Boucau-Tarnos), first as a third row in Fédérale 1 and 2, from 1998 to 2016. He was captain of the first team for a long time.

He has built a solid reputation as a man of duty, committed and demanding, values ​​which should resonate very favorably in Peyrehorade. He then became forwards coach from 2014 to 2016, then manager for two years. He also coached the women’s section (in Elite 1) of AS Bayonne, from 2018 to 2021. Since 2022, he has coached the BTS juniors.

“Create emulation”

With such a record of service, it goes without saying that he crossed paths with Peyrehorade again and again. With good memories, bad ones, and even a very bad one. On May 31, 2015, for his first year as coach, when he had just obtained promotion to Federal 2, the BTS was overwhelmed at the last minute and eliminated in the quarter-final by its neighbor Landes, against a backdrop of related controversy. to the arbitration… We must believe that Samuel Dylbaitys ended up getting over it, here he is in Peyrehorade.

“When we approached him, I could clearly see his attachment to BTS and I know that he sought approval from his friends. But Samuel is a man of challenges, and coming to us is one for him, with the discovery of Fédérale 1 as a coach,” underlines Peyrehoradais president Jean-Louis Bareigts. “I quickly understood that he appreciated finding an environment close to the one he experienced at BTS, namely the symbiosis of the flag team with the Espoirs team, the sharing of training, the same membership in a movement game, the same desire to help young people progress and create emulation. » With the Espoirs team which has just won the title of champion of France, it will be served!

His journey

Coach. Boucau-Tarnos (2014-2018): forward coach (2014-2016), then manager (2016 to 2018); AS Bayonne women (2018-2021): forwards coach; Boucau-Tarnos (2022-2024): junior coach; Peyrehorade (since 2024): forward coach.
Player : Boucau-Tarnos (1998-2016): Reichel B finalist in 2000, Essor finalist in 2007, finalist with the selection of the Côte basque Landes committee in 2008.



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