Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Rueil-Malmaison (92500) – Deputy of Rueil-Malmaison elected

Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Rueil-Malmaison (92500) – Deputy of Rueil-Malmaison elected
Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Rueil-Malmaison (92500) – Deputy of Rueil-Malmaison elected

19:53 – In Rueil-Malmaison, what are the options for transferring left-wing votes?

Another question that surrounds these 2024 legislative elections is that of the weight of the left after the construction of the Popular Front, a year after the dispersion of the New Popular and Social Union (Nupes). At the end of the European elections, the Glucksmann list took 16.46% in Rueil-Malmaison. Still, in the commune, we will also have to count on the 10.88% of the list of Manon Aubry (La France insoumise), the 6.47% of Marie Toussaint (EELV) and the 1.23% of Léon Deffontaine (PCF ). That is to say a total of around 33% on site. During the first round of the legislative elections, in 2022, the Nupes candidacy also recorded 21.05% of the votes in the municipality. A performance to finally be completed with the 27% of left-wing voters in the first round of the presidential election which preceded it, i.e. the cumulative scores of all the red, green and pink candidates.

18:42 – The National Rally in Rueil-Malmaison, a favorite in the legislative elections?

It is difficult to draw parallels in all these figures. But trends are emerging… The National Rally could show 10% in Rueil-Malmaison during the first round of these legislative elections if the situation anticipated by the 2024 European elections applies locally. The nationalist party is even credited with 30% of the votes in France, fifteen points more than two years ago. A surplus to also add to its result in the locality this Sunday, June 30? The prognosis is simple, but it remains consistent with the progression of the movement in these places. The RN has in fact already gained 5 points here, in just five years, between Bardella’s candidacy in 2019 and that of 2024.

15:31 – The Rueil-Malmaison exception during the June 9 elections

The result that was established at the end of the last elections a few days ago is probably even more anchored in people’s minds. In Rueil-Malmaison, the last European elections ended with Valérie Hayer’s list in first place, with 23.83% of the votes. She therefore won against Raphaël Glucksmann’s list with 16.46% and Jordan Bardella with 14.13%.

14:32 – Advantage Emmanuel Macron in Rueil-Malmaison in the first round of the 2022 presidential election

The choice of the head of state is probably the reference for gauging a local political trend. Emmanuel Macron with 41.51% and Jean-Luc Mélenchon with 19.63% were the virtual finalists at the end of the first round of the election of the head of state in Rueil-Malmaison. The one who reached the second round at the national level for the second time only finished here with 9.39% of the votes. And the RN candidate had not caught up with her rival in the second round with 19.93% against 80.07%.

12:32 – The Ensemble result already decisive in the first round

Looking back to the last legislative election seems obvious at the time of the crucial meeting of June 30 and July 7. The RN completely missed the first step in the commune of Rueil-Malmaison in 2022, during the elections of the deputies, with 6.76% in the first round, against 40.02% for Pierre Cazeneuve (Together! – Presidential Majority), Rueil-Malmaison voting for the 7th constituency of Hauts-de-Seine. In the commune of Rueil-Malmaison, it is finally a majority La République en Marche which will be victorious at the end of the second round, confirming the sidelining of the former FN. A victory, therefore, for Pierre Cazeneuve in the locality.

11:02 – Demography and politics in Rueil-Malmaison, a close link

How can Rueil-Malmaison voters affect the outcome of the legislative elections? With a population density of 5,360 inhabitants per km² and an unemployment rate of 9.35%, the job market and housing issues are major topics. The high percentage of executives, representing 43.47%, reveals a population concerned with innovation, research and development. Finally, the presence of an immigrant population of 14.69% and a foreign population of 9.61% highlights issues of intercultural cohabitation. The student rate, estimated at 7.84% in Rueil-Malmaison, highlights the presence of a young and educated population, sensitive to directives relating to education and student mobility.

09:32 – Previous legislative elections in Rueil-Malmaison: a look back at voter turnout

Observing the results of previous democratic consultations allows us to get an idea of ​​the vote of voters in this urban area. During the European elections at the beginning of June, the participation rate represented 58.74% in Rueil-Malmaison (Hauts-de-Seine). Participation was 55.78% during the 2019 election. As a reminder, in the agglomeration, the participation rate in the 2022 legislative elections represented 54.13% in the first round. In the second round, 51.29% of voters exercised their right to vote. What will be the participation in Rueil-Malmaison this year? To compare, on a national scale, the participation rate in the 2022 legislative elections stood at 47.5% in the first round and only 46.2% in the second round, it was almost a record.

08:02 – Polling stations in Rueil-Malmaison: opening hours

New legislative elections in Rueil-Malmaison will be held today following the unexpected decision of the President of the Republic that disrupted the electoral calendar. In 1997, Jacques Chirac dissolved the Assembly, which led to a cohabitation with Lionel Jospin. Could this scenario be repeated this year? Among the many candidates expected, which political coalition will manage to stand out during these legislative elections in Rueil-Malmaison? Don’t forget that the 55 polling stations in the city of Rueil-Malmaison will close their doors at 20 hours in anticipation of the count. Activate the alerts for your city for free by clicking on the button at the top of this page to receive the results of the first round of elections in Rueil-Malmaison as soon as they are published.



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