Reka, the artist of happiness who brings a smile with her new fresco

Reka, the artist of happiness who brings a smile with her new fresco
Reka, the artist of happiness who brings a smile with her new fresco

The painter from Sète is giving the discreet Maison du bonheur in Frontignan a makeover.

Some Frontignan aesthetes, whatever their age, are nostalgic for the time when the terminals on the Montaigne media library square were under construction. Their completion would result in the immediate removal of a large protective panel decorated by Reka. It was not destroyed, only put away in pieces, we learn from the sunny and smiling artist from Sète with a new creative mission in Muscat land: to give a makeover to the discreet Maison du Bonheur located at 1, rue de la Coste.

Du bleu, du vert et du rose

Over several meters long, there is blue because it is the heart of the landscape, a lot of green because there is never enough and pink because here the flamingos are kings. During this construction site without noise or din, just the ethereal hissing of multi-colored bombs, the president of the international school of laughter, Corinne Cosseron, is on site. The opportunity for a meeting in the shaded patio of an establishment reserved for individuals in training. There are thousands of them, on five continents, informs us cheerfully, the one who invented this establishment as well as the different terms attached to it like “laugh therapist” (individual trained to release emotions through laughter). But no need to train to laugh: to the World Day of Laughter established on the first Sunday of May for more than 20 years, that of joy was added on August 4, from 10:30 a.m., on the beach of Chant des vagues.

Passers-by stop

“A free morning where you can come with your grumpy mother-in-law”jokes the president who chose to call on Reka simply because she appreciates the artist as much as his work. At 5 p.m., at work, the artist who started early in the morning is still there, his gaze applied, spray can in hand: the tool of choice for materializing an overflowing imagination, an extension of his dreamlike visions. At times, cars slow down, the windows roll down to slip a few compliments to the graffiti artist. “Even just colors, they do good to many people, it’s important, and perhaps particularly at the moment”he comments before adding another layer.

Midi Libre correspondent: 07 69 56 27 35



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