Lorient businesses soon established

Lorient businesses soon established
Lorient businesses soon established

The SAS (simplified joint stock company) Ker’Oman has repaid, in advance, one of the two advances (€225,000) granted to it by Lorient Agglomeration, in 2023.

SAS Ker’Oman, supported by SEM Keroman, manager of the fishing port of Lorient, Lorient Agglomération and the Brittany Region, was created in order to respond to a call for expressions of interest (AMI) launched in 2020 by the Sultanate of Oman for the creation of a fishing port in Duqm.

The idea? That Lorient companies can export their know-how to the south of the Arabian Peninsula.

The project sparked a heated controversy at the start of 2024, with Lorient opposition elected officials worrying about possible imports of seafood products from Oman to Lorient, which Fabrice Loher has always refuted.

Increase in capital

On the occasion of the community council, Tuesday June 25, 2024, the president of Lorient Agglomération and Pascal Le Liboux, vice-president in charge of the economy, took advantage of the early repayment slip to take stock of the progress of the file .

“The award of project management for the construction of the port of Duqm should take place this week. A French company, in this case Vinci, is a candidate. If it were to be the winner, several contracts would have to be awarded to Lorient companiesexplained the second, adding that a a certain number of them had participated in the capital increase of SAS Ker’Oman. »

Contacted, the former elected representative Freddie Follezou also announced that he had “withdrew from the capital of SAS Ker’Oman, to put an end to the bad intention (Anticor had made a report for illegal taking of interest and misappropriation of public funds) that was done to me.”



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