Works of street art once again hidden and to be found in the streets of Bordeaux this Saturday, June 29

Works of street art once again hidden and to be found in the streets of Bordeaux this Saturday, June 29
Works of street art once again hidden and to be found in the streets of Bordeaux this Saturday, June 29

For the second time, Parisian artists Wabi Sabi will return on Saturday June 29 to Bordeaux to infuse their urban poetry. “We will hide three gifts in the streets of the city, logs of wood burned with the words that serve…

For the second time, Parisian artists Wabi Sabi will return on Saturday June 29 to Bordeaux to infuse their urban poetry. “We will hide three gifts in the streets of the city, logs of wood pyrographed with the words that are used in our creations: give love,” explains the two Wabi Sabi artists. This Saturday, they will organize a treasure hunt in the center of Bordeaux. To try to find the gifts, you will have to find their location by recognizing the places from the photos posted on their Instagram account: @wordsbywabisabi.

The first story on their account will be posted on Saturday around 2 p.m. Then the others will follow. “Each time a gift is found, we will indicate it,” announce the artists.

“Tolerance” before the elections

“Often, those who follow us are fans of street art but there are also families,” they explain. Those who find the hidden gifts are accustomed to observing the facades, streets, walls and corners of the city. Children are therefore effective hunters since they let their gaze focus on what surrounds them more easily than adults.

“We want to encourage people to look at their environment carefully, look up and see the beauty in everyday life,” say the artists who also work in Florence, Paris and Madrid. We use a lot of words from the language of love because we believe that sending this feeling is a gift sent to everyone. Right now, there is too much hatred and anger in our society. »

On the eve of the first round of the legislative elections, the artists see their poetic meeting given to the people of Bordeaux as a hymn to tolerance. “We have changed the words that we will stick on the walls of the course in order to emphasize more on the fact of opening one’s heart and mind to others, hoping to bring a little kindness. »



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